WorldNetDaily is Back!

3 months ago

WorldNetDaily (WND) is America's oldest independent Christian online journalism organization, now approaching three decades of continual operation, having been founded in May 1997 by veteran journalist Joseph Farah and his wife Elizabeth Farah.

For decades a leading Internet news site in both traffic and influence, WorldNetDaily has broken many barriers for the countless news websites that would follow in its footsteps, including being the very first online news organization – after a protracted battle – to be awarded permanent congressional press credentials from the U.S. Senate Press Gallery back in 2002.

WorldNetDaily has been a news pioneer in many other ways as well. It was the first online news source to become a successful book publisher, and for 16 years WND Books had the highest percentage of New York Times bestsellers of any book publisher in the world. It was the first online news source to spin off into national syndication its own homegrown columnists, including David Limbaugh, Chuck Norris and Bill O'Reilly. It was also the first online news service to incorporate an e-commerce operation, the WND Superstore, and to produce and distribute documentary movies, and to create a critically acclaimed monthly magazine, Whistleblower.

In 2018, WorldNetDaily's sister organization, the IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit charity called the WND News Center, came into being. As with other journalism nonprofits, WND News Center content is made available for other qualified, approved and licensed news outlets to republish.

WorldNetDaily's editorial policy reflects the traditional American notion that the principal role of the free press in a free society is to serve as a watchdog on those in power, whether in government or other major societal institutions – from cultural to corporate, from medical to technological, from educational to entertainment – boldly exposing corruption, deception, fraud and abuse wherever and whenever they are found. The pioneering news site also values highlighting and supporting individuals, organizations and institutions that demonstrate great virtue and goodness.

Keeping in mind Thomas Jefferson's famous warning that "The only security of all is in a free press," WorldNetDaily's motto from Day One has been, "A Free Press for a Free People."

In today's historic and tumultuous era, characterized by attacks on America in every form and from every direction, WorldNetDaily remains dedicated to preserving the nation's unique constitutional system of limited government, its economic system of free-market capitalism, and most of all, the core Judeo-Christian values that made America the most decent, successful, free and benevolent nation in history.


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