Brace yourself, My Bride! I've told you what is coming ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

2 months ago

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Brace yourself, My Bride! I’ve told you what is coming…

September 21, 2024 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you dear ones, this is a very important message, very timely. The Lord began…

(Jesus) “Brace yourself for what is about to transpire on this earth, brace yourself My Bride and know that I’ve got you, and you have nothing to fear. Be a beacon of light among the darkness of confusion, for those who will now just begin to awaken. Mankind is stirring in its bed, tossing and turning, restless and insecure. But you have Me and I am your rock. Do not fear what man fears, because I dwell in you and have told you about the events to come.

“Remember, it’s not so much about how you began this life, or even the mistakes that you made, it is about how you finish it. Be scrupulous with your finish, for I am taking you to Myself. You have nothing to fear, My Beloved. This is your reward on steroids.

“It is true, eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into your mind, what I have prepared for you. But I am asking that you make the most of the time left to you. I have seen your labors, your frustrations, your failures, I am truly within you, and I feel all that you feel. We are not separated, we are One.

“And that goes for all My Brides, and I have shown you how that is possible. You will all dance with your Jesus in the heavenly ballroom. You will never be awkward again, nor shall you be lame or off balance. These things belong to the earth which you will leave behind.

“Speaking of which, Clare, do you know how much your appreciation for the earth has affected you? It is far beyond what you can imagine. But when we play back those times you were overwhelmed with her beauty, you shall see how she responded.”

(Clare) And that’s scriptural, that the earth does have a soul, or a spirit, I’m not sure which, but it responds. It has consciousness… ‘Oh Lord, if I had to do it again, being a photographer, I would do it so differently, but I do remember the reservation in Monument Valley, I do remember collecting the trash.’

(Jesus) “All of this fits together so beautifully and there is quite a narrative surrounding your adventures in nature. But now we are doing a new thing, and everything you learned along the way in your earthly sojourn had a meaning and a purpose, even those things that seem so insignificant, you will derive more pleasure from them when you see why they were done and the puzzle they fit into, or should I say the tapestry of your life?

“My precious ones, great are the works you are unaware of. The very things you accomplished, small and large, will shock you when you see the whole picture, how and when it was done, and the end result and how it all fit together to serve My purposes. Many of you I have used without your permission or knowledge. Much good has come from those times when you yielded to Me, even unknowingly. Many things I have done deliberately to prepare, teach and establish you in true virtue and righteousness, you will be shocked.

“All of you have a stunning life story and it will be told over and over again in the halls of Heaven. You all have learned so much and given up security to be working for Me. How do you think I shall reward you for the times you reached out when you didn’t feel like it, you stopped what you were doing for others, you set aside what was important to you in order to help a soul in need.

“I know you enjoyed that so much, and you will be delighted to know that your work on the earth will continue, if you are willing. Yes, a time of ruling and reigning on Earth is just beyond that door. I have waited patiently for this time, and now that it’s here I am overwhelmed with joy and want you to be secure in what I will provide for your future. Especially relish the training and equipping I will impart to you because you were faithful with the little things. My Beloved, you do not have long to go. Cleave to Me and together We will make it through.”

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