Life in the Balance (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Life and Death

Life in the Balance
Text: Galatians 2:20

Objective: that we may live the Life we have in Christ
and not fear the threat against it.

We celebrate Life - wonderful gift from God
Do we celebrate death? No, but should accept willingly its reality
Death can come at any moment

Philippians 1:20

What is this Life in Christ
1. Bold in the Faith

v. 5 - no subjection
vv. 6, 11 - no respect of person

2. Justified by Grace through faith - v. 16
3. Dead but Living - vv. 19-20
4. Not frustrate the grace of God - v. 21

Let us accept the reality of Death which can come to us, soon or far in the future.
Having done that, the Life we have in Christ should be lived well and in honor to God.

Currently: Diadem Baptist Bible Church San Mateo Banaba Mission.

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