Sweden: Total Fury As Syrian Muslim Pushes 91-Year-old Widow Down The Stairs

3 months ago

💭 Shocking video shows brutal assault on elderly woman as bystanders ignore her pleas for help
😢😢😢 ዋይ! ዋይ! ዋይ! 😠😠😠

☪ Asylum seeker was on parole for rape and had avoided deportation despite numerous convictions when he was filmed pushing a 91-year-old Swedish widow down stairs and robbing her

An asylum seeker who pushed a 91-year-old widow down a flight of stairs was on parole for rape at the time and had avoided deportation by Swedish authorities due to 'lenient' rules, local media reports.

Karam Kanjo, 26, was caught on train station CCTV assaulting his elderly victim before ripping her gold necklaces from her neck as she made her way to her husband's grave on August 29.

The Syrian national has now been found guilty of aggravated robbery and will be deported after Sweden toughened up its rules on removing immigrants convicted of crimes.

A judge said the crime was “life-threatening”, describing it as a “lucky coincidence” that the 91-year-old escaped with no serious injuries from the fall.

When interviewed by police, she said she had never experienced violence like it before in her life.

Kango entered Sweden in 2015 during Europe’s migrant crisis and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for raping a woman in 2021 before being released with almost a year of his sentence left.

The shocking assault comes amid increased restrictions on migration from Sweden’s far-right government including a ‘snitch law’ which legally requres public sector workers to report illegal immigrants.

“We Love Death More Than Infidels Love Life.” – The first Khalifa of the Muslims, Caliph Abu Bakr, 636 AD

In 617, the Quraysh enforced a boycott against the Banu Hashim. Muhammad along with his supporters from Banu Hashim, were cut off in a pass away from Mecca. All social relations with the Banu Hashim were cut off and their state was that of imprisonment. Before it many Muslims migrated to CHRISTIAN Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). Abu Bakr, feeling distressed, set out for Yemen and then to Abyssinia from there. Of course, he was sent then to Ethiopia by the devil to desperately trying to convert Christian Ethiopians to the Satanic death cult of Islam.

Peace for Islam means world domination, that is, when all people on earth convert to Islam and are Muslims living under Sharia law, there will at last be universal peace. Meanwhile, beyond the outward facade of Islam, lies something intrinsically evil and unnatural when its believers display jubilant ecstasy at the killing of their fellow man in the name of Allah, while declaring themselves to be messengers of a peaceful religion, grinning and holding up freshly severed human heads.

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