Star Wars The Old Republic: A New Threat - An Old Threat

3 months ago

We start with a full blown cinematic introduction to this new chapter in the story. The planet Ziost and everything on it is dead and we head off to speak with the Sith Lord Darth Marr - a bold move for a Republic hero. As we discuss events with Darth Marr a strange probe appears by the ship and we set off in pursuit. Out of nowhere a massive fleet surrounds us and we're attacked from all sides. After a desperate fight alongside Marr we find ourselves, finally, defeated. We decide to go do with the ship and fly it full speed into an attacking capital ship - all goes blank.

Upon awakening we're taken before the leader of this strange force and Marr recognises him as the Sith Emperor - except he was also playing the Sith for fools all this time whist building this fleet in his real powerbase the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. Discussion rages as the Emperor offers us both mercy if only we kneel. Marr refuses tries to attack and is killed by the awesome power of the Emperor. Offered the same chance I also refuse and the Emperor orders his son to kill me. In a surprising twist the son releases my shackles telling me 'take the opportunity to kill him' as he hands me a blaster and draws his own lightsabre to attack the Emperor, seizing the chance to kill him and usurp the throne. They battle back and forth the emperor mocking his son's ineffectual attacks until a blaster shot through his back from yours truly takes him down. He dies laughing and while wondering what's going on the force explodes from the Emperor's body, knocking me to the floor. As I lie stunned the 'new' Emperor takes his throne and declares to his guards that he recalled to the room that I killed the Emperor and we're taken away. The last thing we see is our unconscious body being dragged into the carbon freeze chamber as everything goes black.

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