Embracing a Life Aligned With Divine Love and Purpose: Don't Settle For Lies!

3 months ago

Marriage is more than a Legal Contract; it's a reflection of divine love! Discover how spiritual struggles often underpin marital issues and explore the necessity of self-sacrificial love for a thriving relationship.


Jack Rigert is a co-founder of the John Paul II Renewal Center and leads our outreach. He is also a writer for several online Catholic outlets. Previously, Jack was a professional chef and entrepreneur who owned restaurants, real estate, and a financial service company.

Dramatic “encounters” with Jesus Christ at his dying brother’s bedside and again in the Eucharist at his brother’s funeral, brought him back into the Church after a twenty-year absence. While attending graduate school in Theology, Jack came across the teaching of Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” He immediately understood that this was the treasure he had been seeking all his life, sold everything, and now travels the country presenting Parish Missions, Retreats, and Classes. Jack has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He lives in Elburn, Illinois with his wife, Jeannie and is an active member of St. Gall’s Parish, in Elburn, IL.

Catch up with the latest on our website: jp2renew.org and Sign up for our Newsletter!!

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