Antisemitic Muslims are Burning Amsterdam Shouting "Cancer Jews", A Tram Car Was Set on Fire

3 months ago

☪ The Middle Eastern and North African Muslims behind the Amsterdam Pogrom were out on streets rioting again Monday evening – November 11, 2024. They were blocking streets in Amsterdam, smashing windows, setting trams on fire and shouting:

While most elected officials condemned the sustained Muslim street violence campaign against Jews (and anyone they thought was Jewish or at least non-Muslim in a given part of Amsterdam), the media quickly rushed into cover-up mode, describing it as ‘soccer hooliganism’ and a ‘clash’ involving ‘fans of an Israeli soccer team’ triggered by the burning of a PLO flag.

1. Soccer or ‘football’ was not the issue. It just created Jewish targets. This was a friendly match with a local soccer team that has a lot of Jewish fans. The Muslim mobs attacking Jews were not supporting the other team.

2. It was a systemic planned attack that predated any events of that night. The perpetrators described it as a hunt for Jews.

Nor is it a new phenomenon. Here’s a clip of a call for hunting Jews by a Muslim mob in the UK 2021.

So no, this isn’t about Gaza or anything after Oct 7. It’s about Islam and the media’s willingness to cover up anything involving Islam. Especially when the targets are Jewish or Christian.

The same media that spent months covering up a Muslim terror stabbing of young girls in the UK while criminalizing anyone who spoke out against it is back in action, doing what it always does.

🔥 The 7th-Century Genocide of Arabian Jews, and Its Legacy: Muhammad the Genocider

Three years ago, a crowd of protestors gathered in front of the Amsterdam Holocaust memorial, chanting an Arabic refrain, now familiar from such gatherings, that translates as “Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews. The army of Mohammad is coming.” The reference is to a location in what is now Saudi Arabia, and to an oft-forgotten piece of Middle Eastern Jewish history.

The genocide begins in 622 AD, when the founder of Islam moved from Mecca to the city of Medina, which at the time was home to three large Jewish tribes.

This was Mohammad’s first regular contact with a full-scale Jewish community. Jews had a long history in the Arabian Peninsula, probably going back to [the 1st century CE]. There is considerable archaeological evidence for Jewish communities in southern Arabia, much of it in the form of cemetery inscriptions, going back as far as the 4th century. By the 7th century, some Jewish tribes had migrated north and establish themselves in agriculture—especially the cultivation of date palms—at Medina. In fact Jews were the majority of the population of this town.

Local Arab tribes had long been locked in a struggle for domination of the town, and they hoped that Mohammad would bring peace. While these tribes swore allegiance to Mohammad and accepted the new religion of Islam, they imposed a simple condition: that their Jewish neighbors who clung strongly to their faith would be protected. Little did the Arabs of Medina know that Mohammad would soon drive out two of the Jewish tribes and slaughter the men of the third, selling the women and children into slavery.

The turning point came after one of those tribes, the Banu Nadir, chose to sit out a battle rather than fight alongside the prophet—because they didn’t want to fight on Shabbat. When he was defeated, he took out his rage on these Jews:
[Mohammad] turned against the Nadir, besieged them, and ordered them to leave Medina. They surrendered [and] departed to the northeast, to the Jewish oasis of Khaybar, proudly marching through the streets of Medina in a caravan reported to have consisted of 600 camels, with music and fancy clothing. Two years later, the men of this Jewish tribe would be killed when Mohammad attacked Khaybar.

🛑 Angela Merkel's Muslim Broom Chases People in Germany With a Machete and Sets Houses on Fire

👹 የአንጌላ ሜርክል ሙስሊም መጥረጊያ በጀርመን የሚኖሩ ሰዎችን በሜንጫ በማሳደድ ቤቶችን አቃጠለ

🛑 The List Of Crimes / Pogroms Committed by Muslims Against Jews Since The 7th Century

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