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Elijah Streams - Take The Arrows! Session 2 - Andrew Whalen - Captions
The session involves a gathering where spiritual leaders discuss the influence of prophetic healing, dreams, and overcoming witchcraft. Julie and other leaders narrate past experiences with divine dreams and revelations. They emphasize the importance of understanding one's divine destiny or 'scroll' and the notion that each individual has a predestined purpose. The dialogue transitions to addressing hindrances like the spirit of witchcraft, which they believe delays divine destinies. There’s a focus on breaking these spiritual chains through collective faith and prophetic roars. The session culminates in communal prayer and multiple prophetic roars aimed at breaking witchcraft over individuals, Donald Trump, and the nation, with the belief that doing so will accelerate divine destinies and bring about national awakening.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 10-25-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Unlocking Your Divine Destiny: Breaking Witchcraft and Embracing Your Scroll
In this powerful episode, the speaker dives deep into the concepts of divine healing, prophetic revelation, and spiritual warfare. The session begins by inviting those who have experienced healing to stand and share their testimony. A key highlight is the discussion on 'scrolls'—divine blueprints for each person's life, as well as for nations, emphasizing the importance of understanding and walking in one's God-given destiny. Later, there is a significant focus on breaking the spirit of witchcraft that causes delays in realizing one's destiny. Engaging stories, scripture references, and testimonies illuminate how individuals can align themselves with their divine scrolls and break free from spiritual hindrances. The episode also includes prophetic words and prayers for America and its leaders, aiming to break the grip of witchcraft and accelerate the fulfillment of God's plans. Join in to understand your divine identity, break free from spiritual delays, and step into the fullness of God's purpose for your life.
00:00 Introduction and Initial Healing Session
01:00 Charlie Takes the Stage
01:57 Steve Swanson's Influence and Prophetic Insights
03:01 Product Giveaways and Personal Stories
08:10 Andrew Whalen's Dreams and Prophetic Messages
12:41 The Significance of Being Known by God
17:06 Understanding and Walking in Your Scroll
36:06 A Divine Revelation: Understanding Your Scroll
37:05 The Prophetic Word and Personal Destiny
37:59 Scriptural Insights: Psalms and Hebrews
39:51 The Battle for Your Scroll
44:23 National Destiny and Spiritual Warfare
48:14 Personal Testimonies and Spiritual Breakthroughs
54:02 Breaking the Spirit of Witchcraft
01:00:35 The Power of the Roar: Releasing Destiny
01:07:20 Prayers for National Leaders and America
01:11:53 Conclusion and Break
Join ElijahStreams and your host Steve Shultz for an in-person, one-day, four session event of prophecy and worship with Johnny Enlow and Andrew Whalen, with worship by Steve Swanson!
We’ve recently updated the schedule of events. We now have FOUR sessions instead of Three!
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Okay before listen before we bring go ahead and be seated I'm going to try something here for a moment when we mention today about Catherine Coolman we tapped into a vein of healing that's really here so I want to ask you this since you've arrived today at any time and this will be true to the evening too if any of you have already experienced some level of healing stand up if there's any of you like that Okay. We just want you to know we're going to there you go. Stand up. There you go. Here's here. Now they're getting braver. Anyone else? Okay. Yeah. Praise God. Look at that. Alright. Bless those people. If you're around them, be sure and lay your hands on them and bless what God's doing. We'll check with you again tonight because this is going to keep growing if God is God and he grows things, alright? Okay, we're going to bring up Aaron in just a moment. Charlie's got a couple things to give away here. Charlie. If y'all just noticed my mic stand and everything turned over, see guys, I move a lot. And when I'm wired, I feel like I'm a little restrained and I got to be free, right? You see he whom the son has set free is free like Charlie. I'm going to say it again. He whom the son is set free is free like Charlie. Hey, Johnny, if you can put up, you know, a little, you know, switch on scriptures, I can too, okay? Okay, I'm going to be real quick. I'm here to give away some stuff. Of course, first, let me say this about Steve. You know, Johnny, you prophesied something once. You said to Kim Clement's team, you said two point oh. That's what you said, 2. 0 and we not knowing that Kim was going to transition over but that's a now word because I can speak for Sunil. I can speak for Dave Newman and I can speak for myself that when God connected us with Steve Swanson, that's 2 point0. It's truly because Cynthia was just talking. He was at a church and it's I'm not going to I'm not going to knock it. I'm not just I'm not coming against this but you see when you are with the prophetic, things happen that normally doesn't happen, right? But when you're in a normal church service and you know, Steve, it's nothing wrong with that, you know, because God is everywhere. He's omnipresent, right? And he's all loving, okay? He's all knowing but it's something about the prophetic I welcome stuff to get out of hand I like for things to get a little bit unorthodox because we serve the holy ghost and the holy ghost going to do it his way no matter how it's done amen and so when he put us with this guy I'm telling you we go crazy y'all ain't seen nothing yet oh we got to rest of the evening get ready because you know we going to go into the highways and we going to pull that old dog devil down because where does he belong underneath our feet amen we going to give away a CD by Steve this is a new one it's called no more delay so no more delay of putting him under bay putting him right here under our feet this is a powerful CD how said fifty. No, it's ten, right? $10. Yeah. $10 for this CD and there was a young lady I gave you a high five. Are you still over there? Come here. Imma get this to you. Because Johnny, she really wanted one of your products. I was trying to get your attention but I just couldn't so here you go. That's from Steve and I, okay? Alright. Now, real quickly, I got this idea from Steve because he's got a plethora of material, right? He's got song after song after song. I bet you got as many songs that are his you know, that's in Psalms, right? David? Yeah, you got. I don't know. Yeah, you probably do. Never talked to him. But he gave me the idea I never I've never sold my product I got all of these CDs and I just they just said it home and God said to me once he said Charlie in my word doesn't it say I've given you the ability to obtain wealth Okay? You see some of us we have the ability. We just don't apply it. So we have to apply the thing that God has given to us. So I got my CDs on little flash drives. Okay? There's three on this one. And this is for $20. It's got the it's got my favorite CD on there. It's called Songs for Kim in the Key of Clement. Okay? And that song, these songs was birth when I was in prayer when Kim went down and I was in prayer. I was praying in his garden every day and God begin to give me these ideas and these songs and I will go into his office and play his piano and these songs will come and then I realized that all of these songs were in the key of C and so that's the reason why I titled it Songs for Kim in the Key of Clements meaning, you know, C Clement and Don A, his daughter, goes to some very beautiful illustrations of what the family went through when Kim was fighting that battle and so you will really love this it's on this flash drive there are three CDs on this flash drive out there there's $20 for this CD or this flash drive and you will enjoy it and the rest of my stuff you know you you can't stand still when you're listening to Charlie so I want to give this so I want to give this to somebody okay man. But see he was bold he came up I didn't see him coming up behind me and last but not last but not you see this picture my wife took this picture yeah she took this picture that's that's a pretty good picture I like it Steve I I really like it but this body girl is two and a half CDs on this one okay I have a Christmas EP on this featuring my family and my grandchildren as a matter of fact the first song on this CD is called Christmas with the tribe of Jordan and the first song is Jingle Bells and my only granddaughter because we have seven grandchildren with one granddaughter because Jordan just don't you know we just don't produce girl babies you know I don't know but we finally got a granddaughter her name is Aurora they sung all the grand kids I had to use pitch production you know pitch correction but with Aurora this this is her she's little some is she came up and she's a jingle bell jingle bell She nailed it, right? I said, do you want, you know, I said, do you want to do it again? She said, no, I want to go watch TV. She nailed it with one take, Emily. One take. She nailed it. This is for $15 out there. You will enjoy it. It's lovely. Who wants it? I gave it to you right here, okay? So, our product is out there and if you want to, pick it up and enjoy yourself. We're going to have a good time. Thank you. Alright. Alright, I'm going to bring Andrew up. I want to say one thing real quick about his dreams. I have had him once in a while send a dream our way, Johnny and me together often and I I never asked him for a dream. Well, last week, I said because I feel like there's some directions we may want to go and I'm looking for confirmation but didn't give him too much. You know, because we want the dream to be clean so I said, I'm ready for some dreams. Now, I've never asked him for dreams. Now, I'm asking for a dream. That night, he had a great dream. I'm not going to tell you what it was but it was Great. And well I want to say this about his dreams. When you listen to him he's going to read some more to you today. Most dreams are filled with symbolism, symbolism, symbolism and you go what does it mean? I know blue might not mean that it might mean red but you know there's all these different things right? So and just in in the same way there is symbolisms in his dreams but there's also more literal things that I'm used to seeing in dreams. So when I ask for revelation from a dream I'm going to get some actual words that I can and so I want you to know that when you listen to it if he says something's literal it's probably literal so but that won't mean there there also be symbolism so welcome Andrew Whalen come bring it on up here There you go man. Actually, hey, Steve. Come. I'm going to bring you back up real quick. I just felt this on my heart earlier to do. I I was just thinking about on your show, you always say, we've been hosting the voice of the prophets for how many years? 27 years. 27 years. Isn't that awesome? Yeah. And I I had the thought though I was just taking a break earlier and I had the thought about this I thought well that means that Jezebel has been contending against him for 27 years and that there's been a whole lot of warfare that a lot of people probably don't know about and I just wanted to honor you and the fact that you have stood and and can I just say it's this is front lines amen and to do what you've done for all these years and leading up to a point where I think what you're doing now is shifting history. It's it's helping save a nation and so I just want to honor Steve and Doreen and can we stand up and bless them? Thank you. Yeah. Love you guys. Amen. I don't know if I'm going to move a lot but just in case. Well, Let me just pray and then we'll go right into it. Alright. Well, father, we just thank you again for this time. We give you thanks through your son Jesus right now for all that you've done for us, all that you've given us. Lord, we just thank you for this great honor and privilege to be your ambassadors in this hour in the earth and we just pray lord that father what you have brought us here for that you would see to it that it's fully accomplished lord we pray that your kingdom come and your will be done here on earth just as it is in heaven and father we pray in the name of Jesus that the angels would be sent here today we pray those who have been in reserve even now for such a time as this would stand at the ready on behalf of the saints gathered in this place and even those that are gathered online who are joining in in agreement with us even across the nations of the earth right now. And so father, we just again say we welcome you and we pray. Lord, just have your way and and thank you in Jesus name. Amen. Well, think the way I I will start this is just a a quick context you know, Steve earlier had mentioned that, you know, I I'm a dreamer and I want to go back to just say, you know, I wasn't always a dreamer that I remember dreams when I was little but it really kicked open more when I really begin to seek the lord in a different level or different measure in college and then I had an encounter with Lou Engle. Some of you know Lou. Amen. Praise God for Lou Engle. By the way, this is cool. Well, if I go on tangents, I'll come back around, okay? But 2 00five, long story short, the lord said that Lou Engle would be a spiritual father in my life and I had a dream or an angel came to me and said, never stop following that man. I woke up, I heard the Holy Spirit say, follow him as he follows Christ and so it led my wife and I on a journey of just following Lou around and and during that time, I remember it was oh five and when I was with Lou, we were meeting in Washington DC. We were sitting down for some coffee and he said, hey, once you come under this anointing, your dreams are going to go to another level and I said, okay, I receive it and sure enough they really did and so it's interesting because fast forward, here we are and I remember having a dream in two thousand eighteen. In 20 18, an angel came to me in a And I found myself when the angel came I was sitting down at Lou Engle's kitchen table and I was writing my name on his family tree. And then the angel looked at me and said, Lou Engle has been a rescuer to a whole generation. And then the angel said, but there's a new generation coming. And the angel said, and you're one of the new ones. And I believe you're one of the new ones. Come on. And and here's what the angel told me. The angel said, you will go into many streams and not just one. You will preach, prophesy, I I mean just goes down to the the list of different I can't remember now all the things and I said, yes, that's right and and that's the gist of the dream I remember but I wake up and I just today, I had the thought. Oh, here we are and I come into Elijah's streams and I just feel like there was a a moment. By the way, when I transitioned from we were living in Colorado Springs with Lou Engel. Lou Engle handed me one of his most precious gifts. It was a book called Elijah and he handed it to me and he said, I believe this is a mantling so to speak of an Elijah type spirit and so here we've come, I feel like there's been a convergence and God saying you're because this is an Elijah moment in history and you've come to many streams, new streams, and so I'm honored to be here and I just I just don't you love God's stories and Imma talk a little bit about God's stories because he doesn't write bad stories. They might look bad for a moment but any good story is going to have valleys. Yes. The valley of the shadow of death. There's no good story without valleys. Amen? Amen. And I want to just say, God's writing a story in every single one of us. God's writing a story for your own personal life, your family life, your city, your nation. He's he's a great storyteller and it's his story, it's history. Well, anyway, I wanted to just intro with that context because often I'll have dreams where Lou Engle will come to me in a dream and I believe it represents the father, heavenly father. And and in these dreams, he'll ask me, Andrew, what's the word of the lord? And in real life, I have no idea what the word of the lord is but in the dream, I'll suddenly say something that I didn't know was the word of the lord. And so this recent dream, I would say it's within the past year. This recent dream I had, I don't actually have the date in front of me when it was but Lou came to me and said, Andrew, what's the word of the lord and I didn't know so he handed me a file and he said, this is the word of the lord And he said read it and I opened it up and I read it. And it said the word of the Lord is known. K N O W N. Amen. And then it said, Jeremiah. So, that was the dream and I wake up from the dream and I felt like the lord said, go look up the book of Jeremiah and the first chapter of Jeremiah, guess what the lord tells Jeremiah before you were formed in your mother's womb. I knew you. You were known. I said, God, I think you have more. Oh and by the way, in the dream, I forgot to tell you this. Lou said, this is the word of the lord and he said, the lord needs you to know this because you're going to begin to speak on it. I thought, that's interesting. He began to unpack some things about what it means and why it's important and I want to just delve into that a little bit. And it's Jeremiah one five before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart I appointed you as a prophet to the nations I actually believe if we actually believe that we were known before we ever were, it could revolutionize the way we live. I actually think a whole generation could be swept up into awakening and revival when they get a when they get a a mind-blowing revelation that they've always been known. Romans 828 and we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love him, who are called according to his purpose, for those God foreknew, he also predestined to what? To be conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the first born among many brothers. There's a there's a doctrinal view of sure God's God is sovereign. Amen? But there's a doctrinal view that says, well, because he's sovereign, he only foreknows some and so only some are predestined to be with him forever and the others are predestined for hell and destruction. Yeah, some of you are surprised but how many of you have heard that teaching before? Yeah. My my question is, wait a second, all those God foreknew Are you telling me? You know, it makes me wonder, did someone, did one of you show up on the scene and the lord was like, who is this? Who is this rowdy character? He has to go around his angels saying, what, you know, where did this one come from? No, that's ridiculous, right? That that would be illogical to think that God would know or foreknow who he created. Amen? Amen. All those God foreknew, he predestined. Guess what? Every single human being in the world has a predestiny. Come on. That's good news. What's our destiny to be conformed to the image of his son? So that he would be the first born of many brothers and sisters. I say it this way, Johnny brought this up earlier. The devil was surprised when what happened at the cross turned on him, right? If the rulers, the authorities had known what they were doing, they'd never ever would have crucified. Never would have done it. Why? Because instead of Satan having to deal with just one manifested son of God, now he has to deal with the multi-manifested sons of God throughout the earth for all time. Whoo. What if the church gets that revelation? It is happening. Ephesians one three through four, blessed be the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. For he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his presence in love. So, I I went through that kind of quick. He chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his presence. Some of these scriptures should discombobulate your brain. Cuz they can't be obtained by carnal thinking. Verse five, he predestined us for adoption as his sons through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of his will. I'm going to go forward. I'm making a point and this will go somewhere today. Psalm one, we hope anyway, we pray. Psalm 139 verse sixteen, your eyes saw my unformed substance. In your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me when as yet there were none of them. I hope you just heard what what that said. Did you, did you catch that? The lord has a book and written in it are your days. When I first read this, I thought, Lord, that's kind of mean of you because I've had some really bad days. Are you telling me you wrote this day in your book? What kind of an author are you? Here's what I discovered is not everything that happens in our life is according to his perfect and pleasing will. And here becomes the great tension and the great contending for the faith is that not everything in life that's done is of his will and there is an enemy who contends and fights against us. Now, the lord told me years ago, he said, Andrew, this verse he gave me language. He said, the book I'm talking about is the scroll and the scrolls that I have written. Within my book are scrolls. In other words, he was saying, I have scrolls for every single person that's ever been created. And the lord told me this and do you know what Hollywood picked up on? They call it Star Wars. I call it Scroll Wars. The enemy is doing everything he can to war against the fulfillment of your scroll. Why? Because at the the point of fulfillment of you fulfilling the scroll of destiny on your life It doesn't necessarily mean that you're made to meant to be a successful lawyer, doctor, whatever else in society is highly esteemed but what it does mean is that when you fulfill the scroll of your life, you will look Christ. That doesn't usually get a lot of applause. But here's what God said, anybody who claims to be in me must walk as I walked. Anybody who claims to be in me must understand there's a scroll that's written over their life and it's destiny is conformity to me and so their life when they reach their, when they begin to walk out the scroll of destiny in their life, they will they will look and live just as I looked and lived. In other words, they'll walk in the same measure of character and power as I walked. I'm kind of dovetailing a bit into what Johnny was talking about this morning. It's good. But God began to show me It was for this purpose that the son of God was manifested to what? Destroy the works of the devil and I thought this makes a lot more sense why our destiny is being ward over. Why the scroll that's been written before one of our days ever began. I now understand why such intensity rages against it because when we begin to walk out that scroll of destiny, guess who begins to manifest in our lives? And guess What? When he's manifested, when he's revealed, the works of the devil get destroyed. So what that means is it doesn't matter. If you're walking in your scroll, Within your scroll, there might be chapters and the lord says, I'll say it this way. The end of the book might say, destination, conformity to Christ but within the book and the scroll, it might say, they're going to be a mother. They're going to be a lawyer. They're going to be a missionary. They're going to be a CEO. They're going to be in government and God's saying but it doesn't matter where I put them. It doesn't matter where where the specific sending of their life is. Ultimately, the scroll of destiny on them is that wherever they're sent, they're made to manifest me and when they manifest me, where I send them, the works of the devil are destroyed. Isn't that fun? Cuz I hate it when the devil wins and I don't think we've been mad enough. Just beyond, you know, lord told me one time, he said, I need my people to be more provoked by my blood. I said, what's that mean? He said, if you understood what my blood has purchased for them, you wouldn't rest content when you see that which mocks it. So, one time I had this dream years ago and I walked up to a group of prophets in the dream and it was Bobby Connor and I think Lou might have been there It's possible Paul Keith Davis. I can't remember now. There was several men in this group and I asked them a question. I said, this was after Bob Jones had passed away. I asked them a question. I said, how did Bob Jones walk in such a high level of prophetic anointing and and just you know, he was walking a stream of accuracy and revelation that was I felt like it was unusual when you hear the stories and Bobby Connor looked at me and just simply said, he got it from his scroll. Now, I woke up from the dream and the lord said, whenever you walk in alignment with your scroll, you walk in the greatest level of anointing and prophetic revelation. So, here's a good word for you. Walk, walk with the lord and let him unveil what has been written over your life and don't try to fulfill somebody else's scroll. I had a prophet friend who said, he had a dream one time and in the dream, he had a a cancerous tumor somewhere on his leg and so he woke up and said, thank you lord for giving me the heads up. I'm going to go to the doctor today and we'll find this out and take care of it. He goes to the doctor and said, I believe that there's some cancer going on in my body. The doctor said, nope. You don't have cancer, you don't have disease. And so he goes back and talks the lord said, lord, what's up? Do I, do I have a disease? Do I have a cancer? And the lord says, yes, you do and it's called comparison yeah, I heard that one. I was like, oh. I think I got it too. In other words, God's written something about you. I don't have to look at and find out what he's written about you to find out about me. I need to know what he said about me. Now, I love getting provoked by other people. We should provoke one another to love and to good deeds. Being around Steve, Johnny, all these people. I get provoked. Don't I I think provoking is a good thing. But it's it's not unto becoming like what they're called to do. It's becoming unto what we're called to do. You guys with me? So, good news. If you didn't know and if this is brand new for you today, God has written something about your life and you are significant. It might look completely different than what I'm doing. Might look completely different than whatever else you think is awesome. Here's what I found out. When you find out how intimately acquainted the Lord is with you, that you were known. You discovered that I don't want anybody else to scroll. I just want mine. Cuz it's it's between you and me. It's what you made me for. Isn't that awesome? And I don't have the grace to be be like that person. In fact, I don't want to be like that person. I just want to be me. So, here's something pretty cool. Actually, let me say this. You you might say, well, I hope I'm doing what God called me to do. I hope I'm walking in my scroll and I would like to just alleviate any fear concern about that because the Bible promises Knock and the door will be open. Ask, you will receive. I'm probably getting it out of order, you know. Seek, you will find. He he will meet you in your hunger and your pursuit. Ask him. Just talk to him. Ask him. I wanted to know who I who he had called me to be and I remember in Colorado, I don't know if it was the same night. I don't have the details on this. We were trying to remember this but both my wife and my daughter either within the same night or within the same week had the same exact dream. Now, by the way, I don't care who you are. If you go to bed one night and say, I'm going to dream about this. Try try that. It never happens for me. You know what? I know what I'm going to try to dream tonight and that's what I'm going to dream about. It doesn't happen for me. In other words, I knew God was confirming something about the fact they both had the same dream. Here was their dream. Both of them separate from each other were taken to a place called the library room of heaven. And they woke up from this dream and both of them said, well, my daughter was first. She said, dad, she said, I saw, I saw your book in heaven in the library room of heaven and she goes, I saw the title of your book. Now, in my heart, I was like, okay. I'm super pumped because I'm been praying about writing a book. Anyway, and I said, okay, what was the title of the book? And she said, it was called Spoils of War. So then my wife, whether I can't remember the same day or a day later, I don't remember. She said, had the dream. Saw your book, saw the title, Spoils of War. And I go, awesome. How many people actually get the book they're going to write? They get the title in a dream. So, couple days later, I'm like, I'm going to start the book. Don't even know what I'm talking about but I'm going to start it. And I I start writing down title, spoils of war. I get to the first sentence and the lord says, stop. He said, this is not the book you're to write. This is your book. This is your scroll. It was a revelation exploding in my heart and all the sudden, all the warfare, all the battles, all the trials, all the troubles, all the attacks, all the times I thought I'm losing my mind. I'm going through depression, anxiety. All these things were suddenly put in context. The warfare wasn't for nothing. It was to gain the spoils. It was to build the kingdom. Come on. Does that speak to anybody? Isn't he a good God? Now, listen, I don't people come up to me and ask, could you give me a prophetic word what my title of the book is? I said, I'll tell you right up front. I got no idea. He knows and he's the one worthy to unroll that scroll. He's on, he's the only one worthy. To open that thing over your life. I can't do it. Johnny can't do it. Mom and dad can't do it. But he not only will he, he wants to do it. No, he's jealous and envious in a good way over the scroll over your life. Ain't that good? Psalm Psalm 145 through seven. I'm still going somewhere because we have an assignment today and the lord told me what it was. Psalm forty-five through seven. Many, oh Lord, my God, are the wonders you have done and the plans you have for us. None can compare to you. If I proclaim and declare them, they are more than I can count. Verse six, sacrifice and offering you did not desire but my ears you have opened. Burn offerings and sin offerings you did not require. Verse seven, then I said, here I am. I have come. It is written about me in the scroll. Now, fast forward, that was in Psalms. Fast forward, Paul I believe, that's debatable. Who wrote Hebrews? Somebody tell me. Paul. Yeah, probably. So he hebrews ten six. Therefore or ten five. Therefore when Christ came into the world he said so catch this. Paul is capturing something out of Psalm forty-five which I just read and he said Psalm forty-five was all about Christ. Because he says, When Christ came into the world, he said, sacrifice an offering you did not desire but a body you have prepared for me. And burnt offerings and sin offerings, you took no delight. Then I said, here I am. It is written about me in the scroll. Now, I want to capture something. Paul basically pulls from the exact passage of scripture except he totally uses he changes words out. Have you ever noticed this? Look at this. Sacrifice in Psalm forty-five it says in verse six sacrifice and offering you did not desire but my ears you have opened. Well, in Hebrews, it omits my ears you have opened and it says, but a body you have prepared for me. I asked the Lord about this. Here's the the response I got. He said, because when Jesus came into the Earth, he himself had to have his own ears opened to the revelation of who he was in the scroll. And he said, his eyes or his ears have been opened and he has fulfilled his scroll but now there's a body that has to now hear theirs. Does this make sense? All the sudden I realized Wait a second. He did his job. It's time to do ours. He found out who he was in the scroll. We need to find out who we are in the scroll. Now, obviously, we no longer live. Christ lives in us but as Christ is living in us, we still have a unique scroll of destiny for our each individual life. Is this too deep or are we good? Okay. I'm really not a deep guy. I just kind of but I I've actually feel like God wants to make this simple for us. Because if we actually believe that we've been known from the very beginning, in fact, even before one of our days ever came to be, we were actually known. Then, it does not matter what we've walked through up to this point because in Romans eight, it says, he'll work all things out for the good. Let me say it this way. One time I was really looking down on myself. And if you ever get in a bad place, the first thing that starts to happen is your confession turns away from faith and it begins to move into unbelief, doubt, fear, negativity and I started finding myself verbally out loud confessing lies about who I am. I begin to self prophesy. You're a failure. I found out a lot of people that have had this happen to him by the way. That was comforting. Thought I was all alone. But I I began to interpret some things in my life. You ever interpret situations you go through and you and the interpretation you come up with for the bad thing you walk through is well, I'm a castaway. I'm a loser. Look at my bloodline. They're a mess. Uh you know, I the the excuses can go on and on and here's the lord stop me and said, stop. It's illegal for you And for all my people to interpret their life. He said all interpretation belongs to me. I'm the author. I'm the finisher. You don't know what next chapter holds. You only know what's what this chapter and before has but you don't know the supernatural way I can weave and suddenly redeem time and work all things for good. Come on. On an individual level, that's really encouraging. What about a national level? Look at how we treated the slaves. Look at how we treated the the natives. Look at what we've done. Look at the abortion. Look at this and look at this and look at this and the lord says but there's a covenantal root of mercy. It's called the scroll of destiny over this nation. And he's saying you don't have to let the enemy Write your future because I've already gone ahead of you and I'm waiting to bring you forth in what I predestined long ago. What's been written long ago for this land. Is this encouraging? The devil fights us though from discovering our scroll. By the way, a a scroll over a nation. How do I say it? I'll say it this way. When the Lord is working to bring forth a nation into its destiny over what's been written It's going to employ or it's going to look like a kingdom value system. It's going to have redemption. It's going to redeem that which was that which was evil, that which was dark, that which was bringing death and destruction when the lord is bringing a nation back into alignment with what he has destined for it. It will be redemptive. It will bring a destruction to the works of darkness. It will destroy those institutions, those structures, and those systems which are killing life. It will destroy those things that the devil has used to pervert and twist and lie and blind the minds and the hearts of the people. See, make America great. Is a good thing but it's incomplete unless we understand that we aren't great without God. Amen? And this is the key role of the church in this hour. As we're not trying to create some sort of nationalistic pride, a bravado and beat our chest. America is awesome. As a prophetic voice in the earth, we are saying, our father in heaven has a stroll of destiny on this nation and it is meant to transform worldly systems throughout the earth. It is meant to bring salvation to souls I think I'll move forward and say this, that Well, I'll take you back to two thousand seventeen. In 20 17, I remember driving. It might have been one of those seasons where I was confessing, loser. Failure. My wife could tell you, I've gone through a couple of those seasons. But I remember driving and I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me, said Andrew, your destiny has been in delay. And I said, huh, what? Like it was brand new to me. I'd never heard that phrase in my entire life. First of all, I was like, so you're telling me I got a destiny? Yeah and then secondly, I was like, well, if I'm in delay, why in the world am I in delay? True story. This was not a dream. This was real life. I was driving. I heard the Holy Spirit say this. Five minutes later. By the way, I'd never had a conversation about me, my wife, or any of our destiny being in delay. Five minutes later, by the way, I just asked the Holy Spirit. Well, if I'm in delay, why am I in delay? Five minutes later, Kelly calls me on the phone. She goes, hey, I meant to call or I meant to tell you this this morning. I woke up with a dream. And she goes, in the dream, a witch was staring at us and said, I'm the reason you're in delay. I go, unbelievable. You know, what I said, who is this person? We are going to find this suffer not a oh never mind. Just kidding. Just kidding. No, I I prayed. I said, lord because she didn't know. She didn't know who the person was. I said, lord, is this a person? What are you trying to say? And the lord said, though people can operate in this, it's a spirit of witchcraft. And so God wasn't highlighting an a single individual. He was he was exposing a spirit at operation and what I found is that witchcraft will do its best to keep you away from your scroll. That's right. When you walk in your scroll, you're walking in your destiny. That's right. I had a friend say, the Lord told him in a dream one time that when you get dreams, you're you're seeing chapters of your scroll. I found it to be interesting and I've actually found it to be true in some sense and that God will uncover things about what he desires for me ahead of time before they're ever manifested and he said, will you agree with this? And I've learned, okay God, I don't know how. You're showing me that. I have no idea how I'll get from here to that. In fact, it seems kind of impossible to get to that. But okay, I'll agree with you. One quick example is that in two thousand eighteen, I had a dream. By the way, sometimes I just rattle off dreams and I know it can get overwhelming. Is that overwhelming? Okay. In 20 18, I had a dream where I found myself prophesying over myself and sometimes that's what happens to me is I find myself saying something over my life that I didn't know was true or something and so in the dream I begin to prophesy over my life and I said I the lord is delivering me from a poverty spirit and a poverty mentality. Now, in real life, I Didn't know I had one. And then in the dream, I found myself prophesying again. I said, I never knew that wealth was a part of my scroll. And then I said in the dream, oh, like a revelation hit me. Oh, Wealth has always been a part of my scroll and I'm going to invest it into the nations for the glory of Jesus Christ. Now, the time I had that dream, we were on food stamps. True story. By the way, you'll get an open book with me. I'll just be real and vulnerable with you about where we'd but the point of the matter is is that that wasn't something to just brush away. I knew when God gave me a word like that, he's saying, I'm uncovering a revelation, a truth about who you're called to be, what's been written over your life but you better know there's going to be scroll wars. Yeah. Wow. There's going to be war over your scroll. Par for the course but the good news is is that the battle belongs to him and we're not alone in this. He's fighting for us. He wants us to fulfill our scroll more than we do. Are you encouraged yet? Okay. I think the last thing, two things I'll share and this leads into what I believe the assignment is for this session a couple so we you know we just had the million women on the mall. Did anybody go? Was it we got a yeah? Awesome. Hey hey. Come on. Amen. In 200 five, when Lou said my dreams would go to another level, at that point, I started to dream for him. So, I dreamt for him for years and years and probably a month ago. I said Lord I'm always actually true story. This wasn't even a prayer. This was a thought. I didn't I didn't verbalize it. I didn't take a prayer posture. I just had the thought. Lord I've dreamt for Lou for years but has he ever had a dream with me that he's felt is covenantal. I don't know why I had that thought. So, I had that thought. The very next morning, Lou calls me. Andrew, I had a dream with you last night. I can imagine he was rocking too. And he said, I was asking you to break the spirit of witchcraft off of the nation. And and he said, and you asked if you could have 15 minutes on the stage to do it and I told you in the dream, I don't have 15 minutes to give you but you can still break the spirit of witchcraft off the nation. And he said, I'm wondering if you're supposed to come to the Million Women on the Mall and so, I prayed into it and I felt like the Lord not that I I I was totally for it but I had a I had actually forgot that I had a previous engagement scheduled a year prior on that same day in Wisconsin and so I couldn't go but I actually think business was done with everything they did. They they did what they needed to do. And I believe it was powerful and effective. But today, I felt the lord say, we're going to break the spirit of witchcraft off the nation. We're going to break it off the scroll. The scrolls over over the church. We're going to break it the witchcraft. See, see that's what it was. The witchcraft was keeping me in delay from destiny and I feel like there's something about this moment in time. We're taking the arrows. We're striking the ground and we're not going to do it just half hearted. We're going to say no. All that has been written and destined over my life, my family's life, my city's destiny, my state, this nation, we're going to break the power of witchcraft off of it and where delay has been where the chains of delay have been holding it back. I believe chains are going to break across America. And I'll say this, I had a dream early on when Donald Trump was in office and in the dream, this is before I knew that there were prophetic words about him being Osiris. Long story short, in the dream, he looked at me at in the Oval Office and he had his Bible open to Isaiah chapter forty-five. And he looked at me and said, please pray for me. I knew instinctively in the dream that it was key that we pray, that he fulfills the scroll of Isaiah forty-five on his life. Now, in the very same dream, immediately I was taken to a room, it was it was a dark room next door and I saw a number of hooded witches and they were starting something called the 1655 prayer movement and I knew it was to stop Donald Trump from fulfilling the scroll on his life and long story short, I prophesied to the church in the dream that we must stop this movement of which Craft. Because he has to come in to the full measure, the fulfillment of that scroll of Cyrus on his life. Okay. So, and anything you guys want to add or is fine too. I I did have you know sometimes you wonder what do you do in these like I you know Lord do what do I do? How do you do this? And often times I go and say okay Lord I think you've given me some strategies and dreams. Of course the scriptures. But the the dream that keeps coming to my mind is a dream that I had long ago where two witches came to me and they said, we operate in ancient level witchcraft. And basically they were like we're here to stop you or shut you down or whatever and I I basically was I said this phrase in the dream. I said well I operate in the ancient of days. And I said this and I said, the lord Jesus himself will meet you in the astral plane. And stop your ability. To bring witchcraft and then I said, here's what I said, this is the key and I said, and when the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah is released through his people, it breaks witchcraft off the atmosphere. I actually wonder it's okay if we don't have music because we're good if we just do this with us. I I felt like two things. Earlier we were sitting here, I felt like we were supposed to release the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah. Over our own personal scroll. Who's worthy to open the scroll? Jesus, I actually feel like as we be released his roar, we're going to see that which has been keeping us and our destiny in delay and your family line, destiny in delay. I actually believe that something is going to break out of the realm of the spirit of witchcraft off of your scroll You're going to see something begin to accelerate according to what God has written over your life. And in the same roar, I want to pray by faith. See, by the way, when we do these roars, the lord shown me in meetings that as we've done these at times, angels have been present to take the sound and release it across. Wherever they're go, they're sent and I actually feel like today from this place, I believe there's a governmental authority even for America even on behalf of President Trump to break all witchcraft off of the scroll and destiny of of Donald Trump and off the the scroll and destiny of the United States. Can we, can we agree together in faith? Let's just stand up right now. Do you have anything? No, you're good. You're right off. Okay. Steve, you got anything? Okay. Alright. I like to cheerlead these things. So what I'll do is I'll I'll count to three and I actually believe there's something so powerful about being in the heart posture of great faith. When when we're not just merely making noise. We're actually stepping into our identity as sons, as daughters, as the ecclesia corporately, and we move into a governmental responsibility to release not our sound but his sound. And I want to release this sound over our own scroll. If you want to put it over your hand over your heart, if you want to put it however you feel is what I'm saying is agree with this for your own life. Yes. That you'll begin to see the delay, break, witchcraft retreat, and the scroll of destiny begin to unroll in your life. Should we do two roars? May it might be worthwhile to do two. Oh, three? Three. You got your personal Alright, three roars. Okay. This is this is called roar warfare right here. Listen, I want to just consecrate this moment in prayer. Yeah. Father, in Jesus name, we we come not by the arm of flesh, not by our own might or our own power but we come right now in the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray even now. Lord Jesus, may you receive all glory and honor for what has been written over our lives. Lord, we know that you're a jealous God that you long to see all of that for which Christ died for. You long for us to lay hold of all of it. And so God I pray that as we roar that individually all across this room and even those online that are watching, I'm praying God that you would unroll the scrolls and that every place witchcraft has been taunting our own life and our own bloodline, it would be broken and shattered this day. And father, I make a decree right now that as the roar goes forth, the delay over destiny shall be broken in Jesus name. And that winds of acceleration will blow. I pray an opening up of heavens over our lives that we will begin to see and know as we've not seen or known before. For why you have destined and created us Lord. On the count of three, over our own lives right now. We lift up a roar. One, two, three. Who of The The We might all lose our voice today but it's worth it. Who's next? Trump? Yeah. Pray for Trump. Cyrus. Father, right now, we just consecrate this roar. In the blood of Jesus in your name. Lord, we say, we take up that word, that dream he gave, lord, to pray for him. God, we pray for Donald Trump right now. We say every bit of witchcraft. Whatever that 16 55 movement of witchcraft that's been loosed against him. We thank you. We've already seen so much breakthrough but lord, we're here not to strike the arrows only three times. We're here lord to strike and strike and strike and strike and so father, we pray. That over Donald Trump and over his presidency, that every amount of witchcraft, incantation, hex, and vex, and lies, we say today at the sound of your roar, let it be completely broken and let Cyrus fulfill his stroll in Jesus name. On the count of three, over Donald Trump, we roar. One, two, three. Help of The Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. I just remembered a dream that from the four corners of America, that the prophets and the intercessors would roar. And that the Lord said that awakening will sweep across America. I feel that this roar over America is going to break the witchcraft from sea to to shining sea. We're going to see what has been in death, what has been asleep is going to suddenly come forth and come alive and come awake. To all 50 states to the United States of America. Lord, we consecrate this roar. And we say Lord let America bless you. And may you bless America. We pray a recovery. A recovery of covenantal roots in this land. We pray even now a redemption of time. God bring us back into alignment with those early prayers over this land. That this would be a gospel sending nation. That we would be a lighthouse, a city set on a hill. And so much more Lord. But we pray now for the United States of America and we release your roar on the count of three. One, two, three, two, it The Jesus. Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. Amen. Amen. Okay. We're going to give you a 30-minute break. So, do what you need to do and get comfortable and come back in 30 minutes soon. Alright, awesome.
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