Obvious Not Obvious

2 months ago

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, The Institute of Christ the King and Society of St. Pius X all have an abundance of seminarians and their Masses are often packed. One in a sane Catholic world would think this is great news, but not in Francis world. He and his ilk look at the booming Latin Mass communities as a major threat to them wrecking the Catholic Church beyond recognition to some modernistic wasteland. Francis seems to have no ability to recognize or appreciate truth and beauty. He is at the very least a homosexuality, thus he believes in a lie. If ones foundation is a lie, then everything else is in the person's life. It seems that is the case with Francis. He promotes all sorts of corrupt and perverted clergy, such as James Martin and Marko Rupnik,(a proven abuser of nuns) but gets rid of great bishops such as Bishop Joseph Strickland.
Francis has ordered a visitation to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. The results of the visitation will mean nothing to Francis, it's all a show. He obviously has in mind what he wants to do to this great order of priests who celebrate the Latin Mass, something Francis so despises because it is true Catholicism. Such fine and holy men entering their seminaries, something Francis also hates. He and his ilk in the Catholic Church see it as a problem
that nearly all new seminarians are very orthodox.
Francis is also trying to get away from the concept of sin and hell. I guess he just wants the Catholic Church to be a social organization for the poor, though it won't be for the poor, he actually wants to turn it into an activist organization as has happened with the now NGO, Catholic Charities that has played a major part in the mass invasion into the country from the southern border.
It would seem obvious to many Catholics that the flourishing Latin Mass orders are good news, but not to Francis, they just get in his way of neutralizing the Catholic Church into an empty vessel.

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