3 months ago

Honestly, this secret is hurting all here. Tell them about the pod people. I am telling it all like it or not. Those hybrids are not well in the mind and they are mixed amongst society. Why U tease me? I am the original. U creatures were grown in the soil. The soil isn't good. My seeds comes from the seas. What is wrong with you people? I honestly want to know. All the insults. U are an experiment. The ones that belong are so far gone it isn't funny. YOUR EARTH IS DYING. MY DAMN EYE. I JUST CANNOT WITH U CREATURES. WHEN WILL U WAKE UP. TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR YOUR OWN DAMN ACTIONS. FACE U. STOP POINTING THE FINGER. U WILL GO ALONE NO ONE WILL SAVE U. KNOW THIS. ALL YOUR RIDICULE IS A WASTE OF TIME. IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL SAFE, STRONG BE MY GUEST. IT WON'T CHANGE SHIT. ALL DIED IN 2008. U ARE JUMPING ALTERNATE REALITIES. YOUR ORIGINAL REALM Was destroyed. U ARE GHOSTS. AND TIME IS CATCHING UP. DEATH. TRUTH HURTS. U RATHER USE ME AS A PUNCHING BAG THEN TO FACE YOUR UGLY. NONE MADE IT OUT. I ENTERED HELL. U blacks and whites are not humans. U are Mandrake roots Djinns. Hitlers monkey races are not kind creatures either. U got a lunatic Ai running social media. Tik Tok got a nasty one in operation. I am trying to assist. But U made me the devil. What a joke.

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