Scalar Beam Weapons In The Hands Of The Most Evil MENTAL MANIACS, Leaves Us The Horrifying Reality We Live! NLT5 ~ Reloaded from Free Your Mind Videos

3 months ago

If you are targeted with Scalar it is similar to a blunt Knife being drawn across the attacked area coupled with RF intermittent Electric Shock Beamed Pulses. TODAYS remote TORTURE upon me n' mine tomorrow it will be yet another different type of bs attack! So to the obssessed PSYCHOS Coding this complete & utter abomination make sure you evil phux are ready for your ETERNAL punishment for this remote murder on INNOCENT FOLK & WHETHER INNOCENT OR NOT YOUR CORRUPTED SYSTEM & SICK, MENTALLY RETARDED MINDS ARE NO JUDGE OF ANY HUMAN FOR SUCH TORTURE! You EVIL FOOLS WILL KNOW WHAT TORTURE IS BY YOUR VERY OWN DEMONIC, FANATICAL, MURDEROUS STUPIDITY, YE HAVE JUDGED THYSELVES.💀 WITCHCRAFT BROOM BASHERS BACK IN FULL SWING AS ANOTHER FULL ONE APPROACHES...CAREFUL CONJURERS FOR THE TIDES HAVE TURNED!🙅

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