Kamala Harris receives prayer, likened to biblical Esther during worship at Ga. megachurch

4 months ago

Kamala Harris receives prayer, likened to biblical Esther during worship at Ga. megachurch

Video by: me
This is Me Speaking 🔊

Galatians 6:7 Nkjv
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

Jude 1:18-19 Nkjv
how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts.
These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

#sharethegospel #knowthebibleforyourself #wakeupchristians #mockery #blasphemy #kamalaharris #jamalbryant #falseprophet #weareinthelastdays #disturbing #jezebel #thedevilisaliar #thefallingaway #itchingears #inthelastdays #repentorperish #repent #Godwillnotbemocked

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