Tucker: Epstein was obviously murdered and running a blackmail operation for foreign government

3 months ago

Tucker: Jeffrey Epstein was murdered and he was obviously involved in a blackmail operation run by foreign intelligence agencies. 2025-2028 is where we finally get more truth about what really happened with Epstein Island. We the People want the full truth!

"Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, and not only murdered but he was murdered in the most secure federal in the country. He was clearly murdered by another inmate. You can't get any answers to who the other eight inmates on his block were. There was no investigation into his death. They've never released it the time Attorney General Barr clearly knew that this happened....I know lying when I see it and they're lying about Jeffrey Epstein. And if they're not where's the investigation? And there hasn't been one. And so that's pretty heavy duty. Where are the tapes? Where are the Epstein tapes?
Like where are the video tapes from his home in New Mexico, from his Caribbean Island from his place in fifth Avenue they're all these video tapes. Now you know in federal hands why can't we see those…
And we can't see them of course because there's like a massive blackmail operation run by various intel agencies designed to put famous people under the control of governments. Of course that's what it was. Obviously and everyone knows that but no one can say anything about it. If you think about it like if you're able to kill somebody in the secure block in federal law walk up in Manhattan and get away with it, probably not someone you wanna dick around with. Like that's a powerful force and that's a fair point but it's still worth saying out loud because it's worth living in a transparent honest country. It's bad to have rot like that It's bad to have crimes like that committed in front of our faces. We can't do anything about it. It makes everyone feel impotent. It makes everyone paranoid. It makes everyone feel like nothing's on the level. We wind up with a society where no one believes anything. And I feel like that's where we are The number of people I know who are like wow you've become a really deranged conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe in the moon landing.
I must know a hundred people who said that to me in the last two years. This is and trust me if you don't feel that way you're just not admitting it. Because you do feel that way if you're paying attention. And that's a bad way to feel. I don't think I don't you don't want a country like that. You want a country where things are pretty much what they seem to be. Where people are honest."

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