3D Printing - Securing and Printing on a Glass Plate - Part 1

3 months ago

In this video series I review a removable Borosilicate Glass build plate. Printing on glass will give you the smoothest surface, but requires some extra care and technique for it to work.

Part 1 covers unboxing and figuring out the best way to secure the glass to the print bed

Part 2 covers cleaning the glass, spraying it with hair spray to improve the adhesion, setting the bed temperature, a test print including removing prints from glass using a freezer, and a production print using a 0.2mm nozzle.
NOTE: Part 2 shows using some brackets in the back to hold down the glass plate that I later abandoned. The end of part 1 shows the best way to secure the glass to the print bed.

Link to product I printed using Glass (Star Wars: Outer Rim board game Dashboards) on my Etsy Store:

Flashforge Guider II on Amazon:

Link to 250mm x 250mm Borosilicate Glass Plate:

Link to Aqua Net Extra Super Hold Professional Hair Spray Unscented:

These are the spatulas I used to help remove the pieces from the print bed:

These are the tweezers I used to help remove dripping filament from the print head:

This is the wire brass brush I use to clean the nozzle tip:

These are the 0.2mm needles I use to clean the 0.2mm nozzle:

OpenSCAD website:

I used Simplify3D slicer software for the test:

Link to my Etsy Store:

End Screen Video Acknowledgement: Cosmic Reef Video produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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