My Indian Family Disowned Me - Now I’m Embracing The Culture | TRANSFORMED

2 months ago

KALI, 29, from Manchester, has tattooed over 70% of her body over the last 14 years. Kali's alternative look has been a point of controversy within her family due to her Jewish-Indian heritage, but this hasn't stopped Kali from living the life she wants to live. Kali told Transformed: "I've spent around £50K on my tattoos but was disowned by my Indian family for the way I look. My Indian family don't speak to me and my Jewish family are orthodox Rabbis, so they won't speak to me because I look like this." In addition to her family, Kali also gets negative judgement from the public, which is a daily occurrence that she's had to learn to live with. She said: "One time I was getting on a flight and I was sitting there by myself happily, then an old man walks past, stopped, looked at me and said; Why would you do this? He looked at me again, made a noise and left. That's standard, it happens all the time!" Today, with the help of makeup artist Meg, Kali is having her tattoos completely covered and will be embracing her Indian culture. This is the first time Kali is having her tattoos covered up, but how will her boyfriend and best friend react? Will they still feel the same way about the new Kali? Will they prefer her without the tattoos? Or will they realise the tattoos need to return, pronto?

Follow Kali
instagram: Kali_storm222

Follow Makeup Artist Meg:

Videographer: Paul Chambers
Series Producer: Kim Nguyen
Video Producer: Adam Fleet
Casting Producer: Destiny Taitt
Editor: Vanessa Nascimento

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