Elijah Streams - Take The Arrows! Session 1 - Johnny Enlow - Captions

3 months ago

The video captures a fervent call to action, urging people to embrace and proclaim the kingdom of God. It begins with an enthusiastic invocation, incorporating prophecy, worship, and declarations about receiving the fire, oil, and glory. Steve Shultz (and others), prophesies about America's future involving two fires – one of refinement leading to repentance and one of chaos leading to rebirth. There is a strong focus on purging corruption and deception, establishing true liberty, justice, and adherence to Godly principles for the nation. The conversation evolves into deep teachings on the biblical narrative of Jesus' kingdom, its power to heal, comfort, and bring justice, emphasized through various scripture references. Jesus' profound first address to a populace under severe oppression, calling them to be the light and salt of the earth, forms a critical part of the discussion. The speaker further unpacks the historical and social context of Jesus' ministry, illustrating how his messages were profoundly transformative, even amidst great adversity. The talk concludes by highlighting the continuous expansion of Jesus' kingdom and the essential role of believers in this divine plan.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 10-25-2024 and may be watched here: 👉 hhttps://rumble.com/v5k2wl6

Unleashing the Kingdom: Prophecy, Vision, and Power

Join us for an electrifying sermon where the speaker encourages believers to prophesy, declare, decree, and worship as they welcome the fire, oil, and glory of God. The session includes prophetic visions about America's rebirth through two fires—one refining and one chaotic. Experience powerful worship and prophetic messages revealing God's plans to ignite righteousness across the nation, confront corruption, and establish justice. The session also highlights the historical context of Jesus' ministry, emphasizing the transformative power of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and calls upon believers to rise up as salt and light in the world. Featuring key insights, testimonies, and prophetic revelations from various guest speakers and band members, this gathering is both a celebration of faith and a call to action in bringing heaven on Earth.

00:00 Introduction and Call to Worship
09:15 Prophetic Vision for America
52:20 Celebrating Angela's Birthday
53:19 Honoring the Prophets and Their Legacy
57:43 Johnny's Prophetic Message
01:05:15 The Kingdom of God and Its Impact
01:29:37 Miracles and the Kingdom of God
01:31:08 Jesus' Revolutionary Teachings
01:36:18 Understanding the Oppression of Jesus' Time
01:43:02 The Beatitudes: Comfort and Justice
01:54:51 The Role of Believers in the Kingdom
02:03:36 Final Thoughts and Dismissal

Join ElijahStreams and your host Steve Shultz for an in-person, one-day, four session event of prophecy and worship with Johnny Enlow and Andrew Whalen, with worship by Steve Swanson!

We’ve recently updated the schedule of events. We now have FOUR sessions instead of Three!

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Call it that. How many of you are ready to prophesy, declare, decree, worship? Come on. Are you ready? Come on, how many of you want the fire, the oil, and the glory? Come on. Steve, we're going to we're going to prophesy today. We're going to call some things that are not as though they are. We got the gang with us. Hallelujah. It's so good. It's Angela's birthday by the way. She said this is her best birthday present ever. Coming down to it's coming down one down the fire the whale and the it's coming down Hallelujah. Come on, lift your hands and welcome the glory of the lord. Thank you, Jesus. Come on. Yes. Here we go here we go here we go come on and the glory. And the glory come on and the glory sing it again. And the glory and the glory. And the glory it's the fire of God from his heart. And the glory and the glory. Whoa. And the glory. And the glory is coming down it's coming down down it's coming down down let me tell you something that's breaking down radio sing it with me who else and the glory the oil and the glory you. Come on, Dave. Give it to him. Who's ready to prophesy? Come on. Come on. Hallelujah. God gave me a vision of a newspaper headline and he said America is burning. America is born and God showed me two Fires, two sources of fire. One was the refining fire which led to repentance the other fire was a chaotic fire which led to rebirth and he said I'm spinning my fire to the deep state it's for a clean slate huh to the deep state going to be going to be and just like Jerusalem has been torn down and built back up again that is going to be America build down tear it up build down and tear it up build it up build it up tear it down can it be spam corruption is being held to the flame corruption is being held to the flame deception is being burned to expose to expose all all the lies and the glory you see they'll be burning in the chaos it will seem that everything's out of control but through this, shall be established. For it is out of the ashes come on out of the ashes somebody say out of the ashes true beauty, truth, liberty, and justice will rise. Come on. The odds and the glory and the glory. Of anointing and this anointing will flow on the leaders and strategies from heaven will be released to the oil of Strategies for rebuilding, restructuring, returning to the original goal. Original God given, God given, God-given blueprint for this nation. Into returning to Godly principles that we establish a nation that has been tried to the fire somebody say we want the fire come on hey walk the fire and come on center down. And the glory it's a fire it's coming downtown it's coming down down I know you got something to say about it Charlie. Charlie, The and the glory and it goes five, and then he said my glory and my truth is marching all across the land righteousness exalts the nation but sin is a reproach of its people so finally out of the ashes beauty rises and once again America is recognized and esteemed among the nations benevolent, righteous, with morality, law enforcing in fairness God fearing on. I think you can shout better than that. Come on beauty out of the ashes. Just prophesy a little bit of that Charlie. What we just hope. **** You. You rise up, rise up, up, rise up, rise up, America Come on. What he's saying right now, he's saying, I can play a lot more than I could say. I can play a lot more than I can say. Let's so let's play it gentlemen. Here we go. You're the God who rules nations from the heavens you're the God who still orders and seas same God who speaks light into the darkness and measures time by eternity so as we come together and call upon your name your power convinced us to once again Elijah send down your reign till every knee is bowed and every tongue proclaims the lord he and the lord he our God you're moves in the wind same guy who's life into being so as we come together all your name again down your fire and every tongue proclaims the lighter send out your fine every tongue proclaim our God our God release your majesty release your glory God of Elijah of Elijah release release your fire so we say to the principalities where is your God he maybe taking a nap he may be sleeping sleeping God he never sleeps he never slumbers he's faithful He never slumbers. He's faithful. The God of fire see a cloud in the distance size of a man's and I see a cloud in the distance full of full of rain full of rain full of rain raining down righteousness raining down righteousness raining down righteousness over this land raining down righteousness raining down righteousness over this land raining down righteousness raining down righteousness over this land over this land so pour it out lord pour out your spirit on this dry and thirsty land out your spirit lord pour out your spirit on this dry and thirsty sing it with me pour out your spirit on this dry and thirsty land pour out your spirit poured your spirit on declare decree on this dry and thirsty land out your spirit on this dry and thirsty land light your spirit and thirsty lamb out your spirit of your spirit on this dry and thirsty land come on let's play that One more time. Pour out your spirit pour out your spirit on this dry and thirsty lamb I'm thirsty pour out your spirit pour out your spirit on this dry and thirsty land let it rain let it rain let it rain let it rain prophesy the rain there's a track playing in the drummers mix. Some song that's interfering with what he's doing. Just real quickly, we can find what that is and it's not from heaven. Yes. Thank you. As he was saying, That's right. God is going to be pulling us into the cloud this weekend into his deep places in the deep dark cloud that surrounds him so get ready for visions Get ready for visions, for prophetic words to just flood in in the middle of the cloud. Ha ha ha. Shot shot. Wheels going up wheels spinning round and the spirit was in the and the spirit will and the spirit was in the wind of you and take us this right here on my bone fire coming down crack a lightning sound from the downtown open the door to visions of you tell us a new spirit spirit was in the wheels and the spirit was in take us care into the clouds into the cloud into a swirling swirling around your throne in and out of the fire in and out of what the lamp stands burning swirling beauty swirling around us all around us surrounding in take a sin take us in take us here to the deep places into your very heart we want to know we want to know we want to go we want to go there and I hear the lord saying to you today me stay want to go how much do you want to see how much do you want to know come away come away with me how much do you want to know how much do you want to see how far do you want to go come away come away come away with me how do you want to know how much do you want to see do you want to go. Come away with how much do you want to know how much do you want to see how far do you want to go come away come away come away with me Let's go in. Let's go up. Domestic granted permission granted Look at your neighbor and say, access is granted. No telling where we'll go this week or this week, this day. Hallelujah. Okay, can we have a hand for Steve Schultz? She's going to come up now and I know that wasn't your your regularly a sing-along kind of worship but you gotta engage in what the the music is saying and Hey, how about a hand for these guys, right? Wow. And any if anyone doesn't know, three of the three in the center were the Kim Clement band. Most of that Kim Clement band. So, and the guitar player Dave Newman is from right here. He he played here for years. So, in fact, Theresa, you played the violin for Kim Clement once you did. Amazing. Well, welcome. Uh so, that's the band also there with Steve Swanson. Thank you. Thank you, Steve for that and and Angela was over here. The birthday girl. Let me tell you who's in the house here. Let's go by my listen a random order. Of course, Johnny and Elizabeth Emma are in the house right here. Henry and Amanda Hastings who've been on the show a number of times here. Andrew and Kelly Whalen down there at the end. Yvonne and Mina Atia right here. Yeah. Yeah. And my beautiful wife Doreen right here. Yeah. Yeah, 46 years we've been married. Yeah. Wow. Let me just I'm not going to talk for just for a minute and we'll get Johnny up here. For the last, it's been over 25 years, right? Danny, the prophets have been coming to this place and because of Danny and Anne and Emily, prophets have been coming to this place for 25 years. Would you like thank God for that? So there's an open heaven. There really is an open heaven over this place but before that long before that it might even say down in downtown Albany, Oregon in the Oregon Armory was a little young woman totally unknown to the world whose name was Catherine Coolman. And she was sent out into her worldwide ministry from from this not this place but downtown Albany, Oregon. Isn't that amazing? She left the deposit. I started to talk about it this morning to Johnny who didn't know this but she was called into her worldwide ministry right there and I'm not quite sure it was the same night or a different night. The story goes, she was laying on laying down on a bench. I think it was a park bench but I just remember the word bench. It was a bench and she was weeping. And she was crying and they said what what what's going on Catherine? And she says don't you hear them? Don't you hear the lost crying out? That's the deposit in this city here where God spoke to Catherine Coleman and there's an anointing in this city really and I know Emily you've got a feeling you've got your church is now downtown Albany not far from there. Our original office was just a couple blocks from that location as well where Catherine was sent out so that our I think it was that a different church around the corner that our son was married that was some affiliated with that. Anyway it's an amazing anointing and we just Lord we just we're just asking for the glory you gave even to Catherine Coolman. And through the prophets that that have been coming and sowing and sowing and sowing and sowing Lord. And we just ask for for more of the same in Jesus holy name. Let your glory come Lord. I'm just going to tell one quick story and get Johnny up here about what just over four years ago or right up four years ago now really. Johnny gave me a text. At that time we had no daily Program. We would we would do a program about once a week because the my staff was trying to get me to do it and I said they don't need to hear from me. What would I do every day? I had no vision for that for what I'm doing now. I just didn't and Johnny texted me. Johnny who is a prophet that does not come in a prophet package. He doesn't have that Kim Clement or the Robin Bullock low voice and all that. He he doesn't come in that package. But trust me when he talks you know. So he texted me and said Steve I think you need to do I don't think he said anything. He said you need to do 10 days in a row with Kat Kerr before the election. 10 days before the election. And all I knew to say back then was the sort of that Forest Gum thing. Okay. You know. I had no vision but I said, okay. I trusted him and I but I didn't know if Kat would do it so I ran it by Cat and Cat said, okay. So, we started from the day we started this ministry exploded and that will always be instructive to me if there's it's not just about Johnny but about any prophet that you believe is from the lord and they speak, you better act because you might be missing a world opportunity if you don't. So that's been and that goes Yvonne gives me many words. She gets trances all the time. Is that what we call? It's a trance you go into. And when she has it and I say what form did you get this in? It was a chance. And when she speaks I really listen and Andrew gave me a dream. He we'll we'll introduce him a little later but he's a dreamer. And he's a strong he's the most prophetic dreamer I have ever known or even heard of. So the great T we have here today but Johnny, come on up here. Alright, give him a big hand. Well, thank you all very much. Thank you Steve for those kind words and we're excited about about today and before I get started, I just want to give away three books and So, I'm going to tell you briefly about em and they're on special. Three for forty-seven dollars and the 4-7 just could be a prophetic number Sharp crowd, sharp crowd. So, Henry, I'm going to tell just a second about him when I do. There's going to be hands raised. You discern who this should go, this should go to. So, Kingdom Come, Understanding the Reign of God on Earth. This is my latest book from this year and really this book is so exciting. I read it through the whole way once I had it done. Now, this is just like feel like I get in tune all over again when I read this thing but and Fact a lot of the message today will essentially in a lot of ways have come from this. So, if you would like this, I'm giving it away. Henry, if you can help us here, shoot, move, communicate. He's going to shoot here in a minute. So, just have your hands up. Look at this. See? This is what this is what happens in prophetic giveaways is just Hopefully it's somebody who has their hands up. Well, whatever. Somebody already had three books. Okay, good. You have it. Just kidding. So, Rise. Reformers Influencing Society Everyday. Reformers Handbook for the Seven Mountains. This is just like you'll just won't find any other book like this. This is to help you discover where you're supposed to function as a reformer as one who occupies til Jesus returns, not speculates til Jesus returns and there is a chart in the back that is just amazing. I refer to it constantly, continuously. There's revelation. Basically, there's a chart in the back that the whole book is telling on that. So, Henry, there's Henry. **** So this one, the multiplication factor, 16 truths about partnering with God in business and life. This is by Mark Walker who's our friend. He and his wife, Pam, our friends. They're on our board Restore seven. We have an amazing board Restore seven. Every single person on our board of Restore Seven is basically an example of a seven mountaineer. Someone who has taken God into the areas of society. None of them are this is not doing anything against pastors. None of them are pastors of churches but they all carry huge anointings and so I wrote the conclusion forward in conclusion on this but their life story and the way they were obedient of course and specifically there's Mark and how he decided to partner with God from before he had a penny before he had even a business idea I think it's just so inspiring. Anyone who knows they have a call or you know your son or daughter or whoever it is, grandchildren this is just an amazing book really and so raise your hand if you would like this and Henry might see you. Okay, do the bun. So, how much do they save if they get all three of them together, Elizabeth? We can't do the math. Anyway, it's just a lot. So, that is good and just into what Steve was speaking a moment ago, you know, it's just the prophetic is such an amazing thing. It's a scary thing but it's an amazing thing and it really just simple obediences on when he speaks something. Sometimes it can just you can just miss it. It just goes didn't sound significant enough. It didn't happen in a in a stadium scenario or whatever. Somebody just whispers you something and you really could be A whole breakthrough key for your life and for kingdom advancement and Andrew had Andrew Whalen had a dream earlier in the year. I think he might have told me first and in it, it was he saw us here. He said, Steve, if I remember this correctly, you can correct it later, Andrew when you come up but it's like Steve had a building and I don't think Andrew knew that Steve had a building when he first told me and he says, you and me were speaking there and you had the closing session and it was like important for this nation and it was after the summer It was late in the year, later in the year. He didn't have an exact month or anything just that and so, you know, after someone speaks something like that, there has to be prophetic recognition. So, when he said, I was like, you know, I feel like the lord's on that kind of check and then when Steve heard it, he's like, yeah and this was like the only slot available for the year as well and it's it's only as we're coming to or like this is right before the most crazy days in history maybe and so we're like God's up to something but I believe and this is where he's leading even towards tonight. I mean, all day is going to be important. I think he's going to do more than any of us understand whether it's it's not limited to how we feel and what's going on here but there is a this thing of a prophetic response to something he's saying and just all I heard him say this morning to me says, Johnny, today is very important and and so we don't know how to make that. There's not the right number of goosebumps or shakes that you feel in order for that to be you know the proof. And so but I believe the Lord's onto something very very important today in every every stage of it. Andrew and I met earlier today and just like the Lord's weaving something for the whole day and it'll it'll close in something very important for us for this region. I do believe there's something for this region and something for the nation as well. So I want to talk to this morning on the king and his kingdom and this is such a favorite topic for me to talk about and I want to start out looking at a well-known scripture especially for me for those who've listened. I need to ask this question first of all. How many of you are from west of the Mississippi if you raise your hand. Okay. I expected that. I can't that looks 90 %ish but I'll find out now by asking this question. How many of you came from east of the Mississippi if you raise your hand? Okay. This is a west of the Mississippi group. How many of you, it's Washington, Oregon, California where you came if you raise your hand to. Okay, that's that's it. That's that's what's going on. This is a West Coast. Whoo. A West Coast Full of Faith group. This is amazing. You know, a lot of the East Coast people have like lost. Idaho, yeah, you count. Florida's not really there but It's good. It's good for for everyone who came here. So, in the book of Daniel, I'm I'm just going to tell you about it and and you've heard me refer I guess those who've listened to me some. Daniel two in chapter thirty-five. He talks about the stone that struck the image and this stone we understand it to be Jesus and this image was the image of a dream that Nebuchadnezzar had seen and this this image was made up of four parts and each one of these parts represented basically in empire. One was the ruling empire of the moment Babylon and then the Mead Persian Empire and then the Grecian Empire under Andrew the Great and then the Roman Empire and he saw them in you know gold, silver, bronze, and iron and clay is what they were made up of but he saw this stone and this stone that we know Jesus to be the chief's cornerstone, the stone that the builders rejected and he came and he crushed this image completely, every aspect of it and it became and it says of this stone that struck the image, it became a great mountain. Again, for those who need the scripture, Daniel 235 and it filled the whole earth. So, my working narrative is always that we are a part of a kingdom that doesn't disappear for three and a half years doesn't all of a sudden run away because anti Christ, beast, false prophet, other things come around. So, we're in an ever increasing reveal of a kingdom and it filled the whole earth. So, this kingdom is not like no, it can't happen til we always have why it can't happen. You know, millennium, Jesus, whatever else but if you read the book of Daniel and you connect it with things we've shared out of the book of Enoch, it's when the saints arise not when Jesus returns that this stuff begins to happen in an accelerated way. So, it became a great mountain and filled the whole earth and it talked you going to verse forty-four of Daniel two and in the days of these kings, the God of Heaven will set up a kingdom. So in Jesus was that original setup though it already and has always existed but it was set up in Jesus' stone and it shall never be destroyed. It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever. It wasn't like he comes and like well for a while and then you know they they crush him. No that that destroy eschatology. We won't take time unless it just can't you know avoid doing that a little bit today but that's not the central purpose but if you can even look at Babylon that was the gold it was the gold part of the image and Babylon we could say that it represents even today for us central banking the control of economic levers globally the lord is crushing crushing that he's determined it will be crushed and the Mead Persian they were the silver and that has to do with kind of the media and the media is being taken out these are the silver tongue manipulators that have programmed the world for forever and have been weakened to their greatest day ever. You still think that they you know, it's easy to consider that the media is still censoring and every, the fact that you know it is what makes it a different day because there are so many alternative platforms that are now telling the truth that this is is literally the best day for getting truth in some level even though it's still confusing. There's a fog of war. We don't really know what's going on all the time. So, anyway, these things taken out and then Greece was the brass or the bronze that represents the humanism or education system kind of the underbelly of the demonic mythology that's dominated the world and then the fourth image that he saw was the iron clay combination which was Rome then and then Rome reinvented itself from being a a a governmental agent to being a religious and and really still what has been ruling in the seven mountains and in all society till this day and it's about blackmail. It's about Luciferianism. It really has. It's been the reality of the years. Those of you who have wakened together with us have realized that all the nations of the world will say ninety-nine point ninety-nine. All the seven mountains, all the places of power, all the governments have been ruled and reigned by this image. Well, here's the promise from Daniel that is connected throughout scriptures all over is that when the king comes the king would come and set up a kingdom that would before it's done it would progressively demolish that's the Daniel 2 we were reading it will become a great mountain and fill the whole earth so the kingdom of God is not here just to give us a taste of heaven until we get taken to heaven no it will fill the whole earth Habakkuk 214 prophet Habakkuk saying the same thing the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea and that's a 100% coverage. So, that's the narrative that the enemy tries to fight us with within the body of Christ. We think all our enemies are out there but the enemies from within are more dangerous because they try to restrict Ecclesia from the gates of hell where they're supposed to operate, shut down the outpouring of hell. I will build my Ecclesia and the gates of hell will not prevail against them. So, the Ecclesiast to be at the top of all these places where these influencers, where these governments, where everything is and where we have abandoned where we've left it and we've left them to take control. We wonder why we're suffering the stuff we're suffering is because we haven't fulfilled our call to be salt and light. So anyway, this is what's going on. That's I'm framing the meta narrative where we're going and then we want to start Matthew chapter three because I want to I want us to see how then Daniel even is Timeline. We won't go into his timeline but the timeline he set was perfectly for Jesus to show up and be this stone that would fill the whole earth like a great mountain and crush every other kingdom and then it says it in multiple ways, multiple places in Daniel that the crushing would be so intense that these other kingdoms would become like chaff and the wind would blow them away and it would all be done with the saints, a ruling in favor of the saints and the saints would arise. So, this is something we the rehit over. It's part of my assignment. The lord has me. He's like, stay on narratives, stay on assignment because if you don't know where you're going, then you're just lost in all your directions, all the little gains you have, you know, it it doesn't matter if you have a stadium filled with people and 1 00 thousand people come to the lord in that revival. If the narrative coming out of that place, okay, good. Now, the devil can come and take over the kingdoms of this world because at least they're going to heaven like we rescued something while we give up the whole earth and we don't understand that Satan is not afraid he's not afraid at all of our crusades and just not to knock it not to knock tens or hundredsthousands or even millions coming to the lord that does not make Satan nervous in any way at all he will never see them he does not get access to heaven so all the ones that go there they're not going to be able to name it so there's nothing he he's like his Judgement does not come because Satan because heaven gets populated. Satan does not get judged because heaven gets populated. Satan gets judged because the saints arise and the kingdom of God that they reveal crushes his kingdom on earth then he gets judged. So John the Baptist of course is the one the precursor the one who announced Jesus in those days John I'm reading Matthew threeone in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the lord make his path straight this is this is how the king of kings this is how that stone gets announced on planet earth repent in that word we've shared before Metaneo a doesn't just mean say you're sorry for your sins. The dictator's here. He sees what you're doing. He's going to crush your no, it's metanel. Change the way you think. Change the way you're processing life particularly from this generation. We'll get into that a little more. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and then who was there? When he say, it was Jesus. So, why didn't he say repent? The king is here. He said, repent. The kingdom is here and then when Jesus starts his ministry, he says, repent, the kingdom is here but who was there? The king. So, why is he saying that? Because this is like simplest thing one 0 1. This body of Christ is kind of missed this. The king and his kingdom, they come together. Okay? So, the king and the king, just think of that, let that go into your soul, your spirit, the rest of our conversation here today. The king and his kingdom. What does that mean? The king and his way of doing things. His order, his seven-mountain order on earth as it is in heaven. Heaven, they don't have crusades. Again, not knocking salvations and crusades but they don't have em in heaven. There's not every head bowed. Okay, who would like to it none of that. So, when he says on earth as it is in heaven, he's not talking about crusades. He's talking about how heaven functions descending onto Earth and as it does, it crushes the false systems, the false kingdoms. So, this is what we're to be about and whatever happens Now, this we're in the most intense days imaginable, you know? We we don't know what's going to happen over the next little bit but I'll tell you where it's going. I don't know what kind of little wrinkle we'll face and what kind of courage we're going to have to exert and exude over the next few days and weeks and whatever but this is where we're headed towards. He mentions John the Baptist when he says repent. He he quotes Isaiah. Well, this is the same Isaiah who talks about unto us a child is born. A son is given, a child is born, the government will be upon his shoulders and of the increase of his government peace, there will be no end. At no time does his kingdom end and make way for seven years of this or three and 1/ 2 years of this and of being smashed by Antichrist beast false prophet. That stuff has been functioning now. There's no worst case scenario that coming in the future were in it. Did you not notice during COVID that all nations of the world made you stand six feet apart and masked you and lied to you about vaccines and everything else? Well, What it look like if they actually took over all the seven mountains? They did. We act like no we can't do that because we're going to go where they control everything. They're going to kill people. Do you know how many millions were killed just from that? Estimated minimum 60 million people on the planet killed from that and that's not even going into the after effects of cancers and things that have come so this idea no we want to avoid no we that worst part of revelation's coming we've been living the worst part of Revelation just because someone looks like a doctor it comes and smiles at you gives you a needle or something does not mean it's not a scary dragon looking thing alright Alright. So, Jesus, where do we go from there? Jesus comes to John. He gets baptized by John and the heavens were open to him. Spirit of God descending. This is Matthew 316 in verse seventeen. A voice from heaven said, this is my beloved son whom I am well pleased. Why is he well pleased? Because the kingdom is finally going to be revealed. The supposed revealers of the kingdom of God had been the Pharisees and the high priest. Absolute distortion. Nothing like heaven, nothing like heaven's order, nothing like the king, nothing like his kingdom. He had to show up in person because there was nothing at all that would allow the common folk to have any idea what God is like or his order. So then he goes in chapter four. Jesus goes there to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and y'all know that story and so we're just going to hit upon the fact that when the devil in verse eight says and the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain showed him the kingdoms of this world. And their glory and he said all these I will give to you if you fall down and worship. He knew something was up to strip him of his authority. He didn't know how it's going to happen. So he's trying to get ahead of the game. And so he's like okay if I get him to bow to me then he's bowed to me anyway so I didn't really lose anything and and he's just trying to figure it out. But notice they're not bargaining over souls. They're not like you know what? I'll let you have all Jerusalem can all get saved if you'll bow to me. Israel can all get saved if you they're not bartering over souls. The conversation Is over kingdoms and the kingdoms of this world and their glory. These kingdoms Basarea goes with each of the seven mountains. The kingdoms would be the foundations of power would connect with what we teach on the seven mountains and there is a glory to each. There's a glory to government as it's operated in heaven. A glory to media as it operates in heaven. A glory to arts and entertainment as it operates in heaven. A gloria to family structures as they operate in heaven etcetera etcetera. The of government the way it operates in heaven. Zero unemployment, zero jails, zero police, zero anarchy. How's that? So, we're called to study that and implement it on Earth. That's the assignment. The assignment is not to hang out and cry for Jesus to save us from everything. It's to help us rise and shine. Alright. I think I've preached that before. So, Then he starts his ministry. Verse twelve of Matthew chapter four when John heard that John had been put in prison. When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he departed to Galilee. He starts his ministry. He goes like, that was the time he was waiting for. It's like, I start when he who announces me is done and he was done because we know John wasn't just put in prison, he was beheaded shortly thereafter and so, he had done his assignment is like, I'm not Worthy to unlatch the shoes of the one that's coming and then he to his own surprise had to baptize him and it's just so amazing the words out of verse sixteen of Matthew four. We'll start with fifteen. The land of Zebulon in the land of Naftalai. By way of the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon the Those who sat in the region in shadow of death, light has dawned. This is our king. This is who Daniel was talking about the stone that would come and create and release a kingdom and work with the saints and crush every other kingdom till the remnants of them will be blown away like the wind, like chaff. Light has dawned and it says verse seventeen and from that time, Jesus began to preach and say, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand as we said. He was at hand. The king comes with his kingdom. That's why it's just foolishness to sell somebody. You can receive Jesus now but his kingdom comes later. There's no separation. Like Jesus Comes with his kingdom and if you don't understand, he comes with kingdom intentions. You don't really have a full relationship with him. You have a distorted, weakened relationship if it's just a closet relationship. I said the prayer and I meet with him in my closet every day. I'm doing nothing else. I'm just praying every day that he would come save us and rescue us and rapture us and get us get us out of this mess. I know you're a friendly crowd anyway so it was good. So then Jesus calls his disciples and he's about to start his ministry. You have to be aware. He's lived 30 years. He's not been allowed to officially start his ministry. He did his first miracles. Cana the miracle of turning the water into wine and then he's now officially starting his ministry. He's been baptized by John. He went through this temptation 40 days, 40 nights. Satan comes and tries to get him to give up keys to the kingdom and and Jesus says, get behind me Satan. We're not We're not going there and Satan's like, I still don't know how he's planning on getting the kingdom backs. How he's planning on doing it. Of course, the cross was a big surprise to him for that. So, from that time, Jesus began to preach, say repent for the kingdom of heaven. He calls the disciples and then verse twenty-three of of Matthew four and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom. And healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of diseases among the people then his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought to him all sick people who are afflicted with various diseases and torments and those who were demon possessed epileptics and paralytics and he healed them. Great multitudes followed him from Galilee and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan. So, that which was been prophesied even with the timetable from the prophet Daniel who was so precise and exact even on the four next empires that would come the earth that modern liberal theologians that said Daniel could not have written the book of Daniel because that means he would have like actually been a prophet and known what was coming like it had to be written after all these things happened because how could he be so precise you're like how can you even be called a theo a theologian of God what kind of God do you serve if you cannot believe that a prophet actually is a prophet anyway that's another story so anyway I want us to understand the how Jesus announces because this is very important for us. I always love for there to be the proper takeaways from a message not just for it to be you know, heartwarming in some way, a couple of boost goosebumps but he came and he preached the gospel of the kingdom. Gospel means the good news. So, it's the good news of the kingdom. It wasn't the bad news. It wasn't like, I'm here. I see your stuff you sinners. That's what they got all day long from the Pharisees. It's literally what a Pharisee meeting or exhibition. That's what they got. You people are not doing this and it was on ridiculous stuff. You're using the elevator Saturday except they didn't have elevator. That's if you go to Jerusalem now but there's like the rules are still just as ridiculous as they were as they were then but he's this is entirely different. This is not about you're not doing what you're supposed to and here's the order. Here's your he didn't you know it doesn't say for God so needed to remind the world of the ten commandments. I'm not knocking the ten commandments but he didn't come to remind people of ten commandments. For he so loved the world. What didn't they know that he loved them? They knew rules. They didn't know love. So that's why that's why he came and so what he says? He came he's teaching him the good news of the kingdom and healing all kinds of sickness, all kinds of disease and then it goes into the details of everything he does. It's bones, eyes, ears, demon possessed, epileptic, epileptics, and so it's like so what what starts our simple takeaway. I have a kingdom. I'm the king of this kingdom. I have a kingdom and it will heal everything. Amen. It it it will heal bodies. It will heal souls. It will heal lack of justice. It will heal cities. It will heal nations. This is what my kingdom is all about. That's why you cannot separate the king from his kingdom. That's how the enemies come into the church where he separates the king from his kingdom where it's a transactional experience with the king. I'm saved. So, you know, this is all going to fall apart here in the Antichrist and the beast. They they get it all. They beat us up. They kill us. They smash us. They read Daniel in reverse like these kingdoms smash the kingdom of God into smitherings and blow us away as chaff but at least we gotta get spend time with Santa Claus when it's done. Matthew chapter five. It's the same message. It's the same time and seeing the multitudes. What multitudes? He just started his ministry. He just announced, I have a kingdom. My kingdom heals everything and then he shows and they're like, you you have to understand that they were used to false messiahs and false claimants of divinity in those days. It was a common thing and generally, they would get away with it depending on how long it took for the people to learn the trick. What was it? You know, David Copperfield. He made the barn disappear or something and people like and then somebody says other mirrors and they're doing that like oh dang but with Jesus he comes and he says I have a king dumb I'm the king of it and I can heal anything and then he says friends this blind man back there in the corner you can see now ah Demons leave that lady right now. Not another scream. Paralytic, get off your bed right now. They're watching it. There's no trick and so the people are gathering in mass and mass and mass and so there's a stragglers coming around and they're beginning that. What what's going on here? Oh, there's Messiah's stuff. It's like, oh, another one of these? Alright, what's his trick? There's no trick. Remember my uncle David? He was blind. He can see now. Remember crazy aunt? He's always in the basement. She has no demons now and so, they're going like this thing so that's why in a moment they have never seen real stuff they've seen games they've seen tricks they've seen but there's a reason there is when it says the capitalist that's 10 cities they're following him from Syria from Galilee Jerusalem beyond the Jordan they're coming from everywhere they have never even heard of something like this the kingdom exploded upon the scene he says repent change the way you think you do not my kingdom doesn't come with first interest desire to judge you to point fingers at you to beat you up the ten commandments. I come here to show you I have power to heal everything. And he releases that as a revelation and then he proves it. That's what so awesome about Jesus. He didn't just have good messages. It's like, I can heal the sick. Oh, really? Okay, prove it. Okay. You're healed. Like the ultimate proverb. That's what the kingdom is about. The kingdom of God is not in word. The the apostles knew to follow up with that teaching of word only. Yes, starts with that but there has to be in power. We're singing of that today too. The kingdom must come in power and so, when that happens, everything begins to change. Alright, let's stay on time and seeing the multitudes, he went up to a mountain and when he was seated, so why did he go up on a mountain because there's multitudes? There's maybe tens of thousands and he has to get to the place where they can hear him Best. They didn't have, you know, Jesus could've really used one of these but he has to look strategically. He's trying to speak to as many of these as possible and when he was seated, his disciples came to him then he opened his mouth and topped and topped them saying, blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. So, this is where I want to make significant point. You got the setup. John announces, John has move the people like this guy's a prophet. They know something is unique. They're getting baptized by him. He announces the reason I'm here is for this guy. He's the king and he has a kingdom and you need to know about it. So, everything is about the king and his kingdom. Just want you to know, everything is about the king and his kingdom like any any church expression that has ceased to understand. You gotta start with your discourse. You know, even churches that talk about the kingdom don't really know what the kingdom is. They're not talking about the capability to heal everything and trans everything and bring heaven's system on earth but at least if your pastors talk about the king and his kingdom and that that's who he is and that's what it's all about because that's what they prophesied in the Old Testament. That's what Daniel, the most exact precise prophet of the Old Testament is what he's talking about. John is bringing that up. Jesus begins to speak to that and then there's a shocking announcement from Jesus. He has his first crowd and when he says, blessed are the poor in spirit. He's not. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom. As I've seen on some TV Christian video thing years ago. He was not religious. Okay, we gotta get that. Our king was not religious. So, when he says, blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven like they're already having the fast forward processing. It's like, this guy is not one of the fake messiahs that keeps coming in. He's not one of the Charlatans. He's not one of those. He's not he's not this guy is legit and then he says, because you have to understand this part. Why they would do that is like Number one, they didn't have real power. So, they would never, if you know that magicians don't share their tricks like this like the you know, if somebody's doing the tour with and they tell em all at the end of a program like that ends it like we, he goes to the next like, we know how this happens. He told us last time. So, like there's no more fascination with and quote magic but Jesus was absolutely different because not only was he not hiding what he had but his first statement to his first crowd We is like a bomb. Blessed are you poor in spirit for yours is this kingdom that I've just been revealing to you. They're like, what? Ours? Yeah, this is for you guys to function in and he will say this over and over and over in the next two verses as long as we have time to talk here. We're going to get into that. He's blowing their mind. What I just showed you is not for just me to be so you can say he's the Messiah. I'm giving you Messiah ship. We will hear him in a moment. We'll get to he's like, this crowd, this first-time crowd who've never heard or seen a discourse like what they're about to get. He's going to tell them, you are the light of the world. We're going to emphasize, no, you are the light of the world. He's going to know, you're the light of the world. You gotta work with me with what I made you to do and be. You gotta reveal this kingdom. He's still working on that. So, blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. So, one of the things we want to understand about the day Jesus was speaking to and this is just important. I'm going to take a few minutes on this. Because it allows us to have faith at a whole another level today. We're aware. Many here. The deep state. We're singing Get Rid of the Deep State bringing on a new slate. I love that whatever. That's because that's what the lord showed me a few years ago. I'm removing the mafia, the seven mountains. I saw this vision and and he called it the Mafia and he's like, I could've done this a long time ago but what good it would have done, you're all just going to sing I'll fly away oh glory and and and then seven times worse, we're going to position themselves. So, why do it? He says, I see you. I see you now. You're coming and they're knocking you off and there's not a lot of you yet. You're like Gideon's 300. There's a little more than that. He says, but I'm working with you. We're doing this. So, I'm removing them. This is what I'll be doing. I'm removing. So, that's what's going on right now. So, want to it's important that we understand as we go into this that what was the world in Jesus day that he came to speak in? What was the environment that he was coming into? So, the government from a governmental standpoint, the Roman Empire is the strong empire. There is like a thousand years of fierce, thorough, corrupt government leadership. Under him is Herod. Herod serves Rome and then under Herod in a kind of a different category are the high priest and the Pharisees. The people that Jesus is speaking to because he came to the last house of Israel first and he speaks to them. He is speaking to a people that are under triple oppression. He is speaking people that are they're they're not a they're not like we're like the we try to identify with that day as if there's any similarity to receiving the gospel in the United States to that and there's not. So they they they were they were used to. It was common. I read this extra biblically and and history and other things that the Jews their kids were conscripted into war for the Roman for the Roman Gaines around the world and then it was a common thing that when these Roman generals would come back spoils of war celebration, they would be given even the daughters of all the the serves servant nations but particularly the Jewish so their kids are being given their sons and daughters are being stolen by their government and and so this this is what he's coming to speak to because he's speaking not to the Gentiles. He's speaking initially to the Jews and so they have these three layers of tyranny and again, falling out with anyone of these three layers of tyranny could get you beaten, crucified, all your possessions stolen. If you fall out with the high priest, you get crucified. You fall out with Rome, get crucified, you fall out with Herod, get crucified. This this is this is the day, this is what Jesus, this is the crowd he's speaking to. He's not speaking to free citizens. He's speaking slaves. You know, there is the numbers like we hear, there's forty million human trafficked around the world and it's tragic and it's horrible. That's point 5% of the world population. In Jesus day, 40% of the population was in out and out servitude. That would translate to a global three billion people right now. So, it was even a worse setup and scenario then than it is now. He is speaking to a people in servitude and he's speaking to a people that are not experienced even. There is no bill of rights. There is no constitution. There is nothing. There's no good guys fighting behind the scenes. There this is Jesus comes into that. Should give us hope to this day like, man, could Jesus ever make a dent in what's going on now? Believe me, he made a dent in a bigger thing. The religion was the most Sorry with the word. Anal oppressive prophetic is like Jesus would say you you Pharisees, you tie down to the last mint and come and you're doing your little leaves and you're cutting a tenth off or do one 10th, like and you you can't pick corn on the Sabbath and and you can't rescue your donkey from a hole if he falls into he breaks his leg. You can't pull him out on a Saturday. It's like you've got some of the most ridiculous law. I mean, you could just see Jesus. There's a reason he called him whitewalled sepulchres and generation of vipers and every other kind of thing because it's like and you're supposedly my representatives for my kingdom, there's a real reason. There's some holy anger because the experts at the Old Testament have come up with this for the people. That's what the Pharisees. They knew the scriptures. They could quote Isaiah. They could quote Daniel. They could quote all kinds of things but they had an invented their own not just ten commandments. They had added a thousand more rules to it and they were oppressing the people with these rules and they were the worst examples of The kingdom and of God. There there's like whatever they were, it was the opposite. Sort of like now. You don't want to know you want to have an idea what's going on. What's in mainstream media? It's probably the opposite. So, it's like, what's God like? What did the Pharisees say? It's opposite and then that's, okay, we got an idea anyway. Be nice if he actually showed up here but okay, whatever they say, it's the opposite. You have to understand. Education in that day, none for women. He's speaking, women, nobody gets education, not allowed. And it was almost none for the 40 for 40% of the men as well. And that education is kind of good they weren't getting it because it's Greek philosophy humanism but combined with Greek mythology so you had this combination of the humanism thing and and and then you know it's like no there's no really God it's just us and we're the center of the world and if there is a God you know he orbits around us but he probably doesn't even exist but then bizarrely Greek mythology where it's like okay Zeus Apollo all those are the real thing and all and so there's the most bizarre extremes of left and right of the religion either like he doesn't really exist then if there is supernatural it's bizarre Life was miserable. It's just important to know when he gave this first message, his Magnacarta, what was he speaking to? What was the reality of his day? So, life was miserable and especially so for who Jesus was targeting the disciples. There were no Christians around. His disciples were all brand-new fire brands. Anna and Simeon were the hopeful dreamers of the new day. Hope brought on by Old Testament prophets. Those who would believe and listen and remember things that seem like impossible by the Old Testament prophets. They're the ones that would recognize in Jesus the this king is bringing in a kingdom. So, this is just good for us to understand as we move forward a few more verses and we start coming into a conclusion for this. So, Jesus then goes, blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. That's the second statement to his first crowd ever. Again, he's he is reading the room. He's like, they're there and they're just being blown away like you should, this is for us? Like operating? Like, how is this for us? This this kingdom's for us like, is this good for us or we get to do it too? What they're the processing? It's like, this is happening so fast and then he says, listen, This kingdom will do more than just heal bodies because he just proved that. Like they just saw blind eyes. See, they saw demons be cast out, bones resurrect, and they're like, okay, this kingdom he's talking about. That's for us. So, we now have this power. We can heal our bodies and then there's a lot of them thinking particularly, well, Imma say just the ladies but I just told you how miserable reality was and they've lost their sons and daughters and so there is deep, deep soul pain. They're like, okay. You just heal you just heal me and you know my leg, I have no more pain and it straightened out all that but I lost my daughter and I lost my son to the Romans. Is your kingdom speak to that any? Jesus discerned the moment in instant. Blessed are you who mourn? You will be comforted. My kingdom doesn't just respond to physical healing. It goes after soul. It goes after deep hurt and then he's also announcing prophetically they will be comforted the comforter it's the same word for the Holy Spirit he will be the comforter so you're going to be comforted he's going to be comforted by him right then but they're going to be comforted by the Holy Spirit who will be sent who will be the empower for his church he will be the empower for the apostles that will then carry on this new kingdom demonstration on the earth even without they will not have full understanding their their mind will be a little bit dim they will not Understand the full expectation that we're just waking up in the third day. We're the third day. We will begin to wake up to the full intentions of the kingdom because they were still a little bit on end times. We saw Paul was like, you know, he's coming real soon. It's going to happen here and you know, because he's coming so soon, stay single like me and and all that is like, Paul, you could've got married. He knows. So there's something has been to reveal to us in this day. And there's something different about this time right now. The way we know it's going to the root of everything is because the evil upon planet Earth that we are seeing and it's being exhibited has never ever before been revealed in mass to society as it is now. Jesus didn't he didn't address any of the deep dark that stuff was functioning. All the illuminati, bloodlines, sacrifice, pedophilia, all that's existed in Jesus day. He didn't go after it. He had no point reference if he didn't have a church. Says I will build my church, an ecclesee of saints. The gates of hell will not prevail against them. He did not say the gates of hell will not prevail against me. That was never been a question. He can disappear Satan with one word. He made him with one word, Lucifer or few. Let there let there be Lucifer. He is a let there not be Lucifer away from disappearing. Why didn't they do that? Cuz Lucifer's not the problem. Problems he's there is a product of his sons and daughters arising and shining that he's looking forward and so Lucifer is the key tester for it. This he's important because when the sons and daughters look at him and go who is this uncircumcised Philistine? That he should defile the armies defy or defile the armies of the living God. When Satan doesn't seem big anymore when they're like Caleb will look at him and say I see him. They will be bread for us. Then he's like my Kids are about the size I intended them to be. So Satan's there for quality control. When he no longer frightens us, the God of peace will crush Satan under our feet. It's never been his plan to do it under his feet. It's under our feet. Creation groans and travails not for Jesus to return. That's a lot of church people. Jesus, please return. Creation is smarter. For the revealing of the sons and daughters. They're like, no, there are sons and daughters. This is his proof that his plan work to powers and principalities to angels. His whole intervene Into the earth, into mankind. I'm going to make something in my image. I did angels. I did a lot of things. I'm going to make something in my image. It's going to take a long time for them to wake up and for them to stop falling to the lies of Satan but that's part of the process. This is quality control. When they start believing me and start exercising what I've given them, then this becomes good. Alright. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted by this kingdom. This kingdom is to bring comfort. Remember I said it heals everything. Whatever you can think of, the kingdom heals it. It's a body. It's a soul. It's a memory. It's a city. It's a nation. The kingdom is about healing and it's about using his sons and daughters to do so. Blessed are the meek. This is verse five. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Okay, so a moment on that. This is Jesus' first crowd. Thousands there. What would be standard operating procedure today, you get, we're going to get one stop in one stadium and one or doesn't have to be stadium in one place say, if you die tonight, do you know where you'll spend eternity? Listen, I've done that too and that mean it's always wrong but I just telling you that wasn't Jesus. He did not ask him if they knew where they would spend eternity. He had very little passion in getting them to heaven. He had a whole lot of passion getting heaven into them. And you will see that over and over and over. Blessed are the meek, they shall inherit the earth, not least the earth Okay, do you know how many eschatologist that bust up just right there? Inheritance is forever and if it's inheritance from the king, it's forever and just because we don't understand some other scriptures and something Peter said that I could explain easily elements will be consumed in fire and it's like, we don't understand that but you're going to eliminate Jesus words because of a mistranslation of Peter. David said, the righteous will inherit the Earth. The lord told Moses that the righteous would inherit the earth. There's another scripture won't go into right now but would you say, it's always been the meek will inherit the earth and that word meek is those who have a gentle caring spirit. He's like, for those of you who care and when he said the poor in spirit to remind you, he wasn't talking about those who poor physically, they were all poor. They were slave nation. Poor in spirit, when he says, blessed are you poor in spirit. You who are hungry and you know there's something more. The reason you're here, the reason you're listening, the reason you're following me is because you know there's more. So for you, this kingdom is for you. Those were the guidelines for who gets the kingdom. Are you hungry? Do you know there has to be more? Something tells you this can't be this can't be the narrative. I'm telling you for the body of Christ. That's the awakening is like so the narrative is we get beat by Satan over and over and killed and crushed and then someday Jesus, God, you

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