Nathaniel Tafoya: From Then Till Now - His Contact Story

2 months ago

Nathaniel Tafoya: From Then Till Now - His Contact Story

Experiencer Interviews

Welcome Back Everyone! This interview has been 2 years in the making! Nathaniel Tafoya's contact story is a big one and starts off from a very early age and continues to this day! From small Greys to Tall Whites, Wise Greys, Nordic/Pleiadians, Mantids and Reptilians; Nathaniel has been in contact with them on crafts! He has received telepathic training and part of an E.T. Hybridization program. His contacts have been positive in nature and has much to share with us. A part II is in the works! Enjoy!!

Nathaniel Tafoya Biography: Nathaniel was born in 1980 and lived in California. He now resides in the state of Utah. His E.T. contact experiences started since the inception of conception into this world we call Earth or (Terra). His contact experience started at the young age of 2 years old where two Greys materialized through his bedroom wall to check on him to see if he was adjusting to the Earth conditions. These experiences have followed him throughout his life and continues on as directed through his Extraterrestrial / Extra Dimensional Family contacts. Through his countless experiences, he has come into contact with many different entities such as the Mantid type beings, Tall White beings, Greys and other humanoid species. These contacts have brought forth many different types of experiences ranging from physical encounters with the entities aboard their crafts, in his home, dream state contact experiences, telepathic downloads and channeled information. Through them, many astonishing teachings were learned and these ongoing experiences have also bought forth many challenges as well. His purpose is to bring forth a greater sense of reality and insights into Humanity, a knowledge which has been withheld from us, as well, as to help others that may need support throughout these encounters and experiences.

His contact details:

😮💩 Weird Shit

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