Preparing for Your BVA Hearing

4 months ago

We spend a good amount of time preparing our clients to attend their BVA hearings. In this video, Attorney Casey Walker goes over some of the most basic and yet some of the most essential information veterans should know about how BVA hearings work. We want you to enter into the hearing comfortable with what you need to discuss and without any concerns regarding how a video hearing functions. Stay tuned for all the details!

00:00 Start
00:32 What to Wear at a BVA Hearing
00:55 Know the Issues on Appeal and Examples of How to Discuss Them
03:24 Provide Your Testimony to the Judge
04:06 Bringing a Witness to the Hearing
05:06 How to Test Your Equipment BEFORE a Virtual Hearing
07:05 What To Do If You Experience Technical Difficulties
07:52 What Happens if You Can't Connect to Your Virtual BVA Hearing
08:48 What Happens AFTER the BVA Hearing

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