155.20241110 The 9/11 WarRoom

3 months ago


Former CIA Analyst, Kevin Shipp, Exposes The Shadow Government | Candace Ep 100
Discusses 9/11 around 32:21:

Plea Deals for Accused 9/11 Plotters Are Valid, Judge Rules
See also: https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/f7dcb1c8440849af/48cea6e3-full.pdf
See also:
Question of a lifetime: Families prepare to confront 9/11 masterminds

FINAL CUT | Episode #1 — Public Orientation
9/11 Crime Scene to Courtroom

Building 7 — All You Need to Know in 1-hour | Richard Gage Presents to BNN
Gubernatorial Candidate from Michigan, Donna Brandenburg interviews RichardGage911

Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Wayne Coste

===9/11 FINANCIAL NEEDS========

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: Crimescene To Courtroom documentary

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===CHAT LOG================

17:03:12 From Christopher Gioia to Everyone:
Today is the Marine Corps Birthday! Semper Fidelis.
17:04:09 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Semper Fi!
17:09:42 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/wllRNw7OKZY?si=qDX3QkblyOe2KoSZ pilot says explosion
17:10:59 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Not everyone is into the environmental stuff, but I am, always have been. SO I’ll share some links, maybe…
17:11:27 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Building seven had blown up https://youtu.be/rJTRFmLhfY8?si=VwOBTTOx-9R0or4E
17:12:00 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:12:08 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
First responder https://youtu.be/Uso9sCOakEQ?si=9wgSSIOYQXjTDH_Z
17:12:59 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’m a big fan of “Just the facts mam” Dragnet…
17:13:41 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:14:14 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:15:00 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I think that Nate Hagans and I met, on the pacific Crest Trail..
17:15:12 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:15:43 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
Reacted to "I’m a big fan of “Ju…" with 😁
17:29:54 From Susan Serpa to Everyone:
http://hopeoutloud.org/pentagon/Coste_Boston_911Truth_Nov_07_2024.pdf (231 slides)
17:30:07 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Fires in WTC 7 were first observed after the collapse of WTC 1 in the morning, on the south side of the building at floor levels 6, 8, 10, 11 and 19.
17:30:36 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Shyam https://youtu.be/svgMnctetnI?si=cqrDz3xfRhDP_35B
17:30:47 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Did y’all see the Bengal’s Raven’s game…???
17:32:35 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:32:57 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
National fire protection agency 921?
17:33:23 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Guidelines, not law
17:38:40 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Not a bad idea- world wide grand juries. Thank you Myles!
17:39:04 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
Reacted to "Not a bad idea- worl…" with 🙏
17:40:23 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Most heavily defended airspace int he world. News choppers can’t go near it. WTF?
17:40:43 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Is the photo altered?
17:43:03 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
be right bACK
17:43:20 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The “plane” went into the section of the pentagon that contained the Navy Intelligence hand was apparently hot on the heels of the perps. AND, the investigators and records looking into the missing $2.3 trillion from the pentagon budget, announced on 9/10.
17:44:19 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The office of Naval Intelligence were hot on the heels of the perps, obviously knew what what obviously what was going on.
17:45:27 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The office of naval intelligence was moved into that area shortly before the “attack”
17:46:53 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
There was at least one survivor, who couldn’t be there that day. Office of Naval Intelligence.
17:47:41 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
“We were targeted” is what he said.
17:49:51 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Not debunked https://youtu.be/ajIr2G4wFn4?si=CYn4gZF1yurwlCmA
17:49:59 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/bInnqjHIbkQ?si=82Cb1IrK5jbxuHAE pentagon
17:52:27 From Christopher Gioia to Everyone:
gotta go, ill be back
17:53:38 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
These are great- all 100% TRUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34Q0BB8-2nA
17:54:09 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
You can’t trust photos or videos. You don’t need them.
18:00:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The federal reserve is a federal as Federal Express. Dennis K.
18:02:32 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I like to make this point- both Bernie and Ron, Paul and Sadnders, lost their primaries, even though though very obviously and handily won. It doest’t matter if you come at this from the left or the right.
18:04:24 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
18:05:35 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ll say again, the Pentagon is the most highly defended place on the planet.
18:07:40 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The key to proper, excellent, engineering is the selecting the proper wrench with which to pound in the correct screw. JK
18:08:19 From Richard Gage, AIA, Architect to Everyone:
Wiles maintained her position with Mercury Public Affairs throughout the course of the Trump campaign, and still held the position as of yesterday.
Some of Mercury’s other clients, highlighted on its website, include Gilead Sciences, Pfizer, Tesla, Uber, Kaiser Permanente, AT&T, NBC Universal, Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance, and the nation of Qatar. It's registered federal lobbying clients include ConAgra, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Archer Daniels Midland, Exxon Mobil, Alibaba, Emergent BioSolutions, and dozens more.
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18:08:33 From Richard Gage, AIA, Architect to Everyone:
18:08:50 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
18:11:26 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
We’ve been before the diet in Japan, the whatever in Malaysia - it can’t hurt.
18:15:51 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
18:16:09 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
That’s OK-we can get louder
18:21:26 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Is anybody else a fan of CIT? I am- I think they nailed it.
18:26:30 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
LACK OF IMAGINATION official statement of the Administration of the day. DERELICTION OF DUTY and failed DUE DILIGENCE BY THE a administration of the day the question for Constituents to make their RULING!
18:30:13 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/Uso9sCOakEQ?si=ng6P-ESzs4lRJrj2 first responder
18:32:58 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
18:39:20 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
If I keep shopping everything will b e OK? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM&list=PL77CE8943362CB9B0
18:40:18 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Forget 5th grade- go to kindeb
18:40:35 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Forget 5th grade, go to kindergar
18:40:53 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
18:45:06 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
If you register, but can't attend, you will receive a recording of the event in the near future..   Please share this announcement with others who may be interested.
18:47:22 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:
Elizabeth Murray 27 years in government speaks to JFK Peace Speech in 15 minutes. Link to register 👆
18:47:58 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
18:50:33 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ve posted links on the environment
18:51:08 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone:
18:54:06 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Happy Birthday

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org

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