Donald Trump announces his 10-point plan to rebuild America's school system

3 months ago

Donald Trump announces his 10-point plan to rebuild America's school system

✅ 1st, we will respect the right of parents to control the education of their children.

✅ 2nd, we will empower parents and local school board to hire and reward great principals and teachers, and also to fire the poor ones, the one whose performance is unsatisfactory. They will be fired. Like on The Apprentice, you're fired.

✅ 3rd, we will ensure our classrooms are focused not on political indoctrination, but on teaching the knowledge and skills needed to succeed reading, writing, math, science, arithmetic, and other truly useful subjects.

✅ 4th, we will teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they're taught right now.

✅ 5th, we will support bringing back prayer to our schools.

✅ 6th, we will achieve schools that are safe, secure, and drug free with immediate expulsion for any student who harms a teacher or another student.

✅ 7th, we will give all parents the right to choose another school for their children if they want. It's called school choice.

✅ 8th, we will ensure students have access to project based learning experiences inside the classroom to help train them for meaningful work outside the classroom.

✅ 9th, we will strive to give all students access to internships and work experiences that can set them on a path to their first job. They're going to be very, very successful. I want them to be more successful than Trump. Let them go out and be more successful. I will be the happiest person in the world, but we want our children to have a great life and be successful.

✅ And, 10th, we will ensure that all schools provide excellent jobs in career counseling so that high school and college students can get a head start on jobs and careers best suited to their god given talents. This is how we will ensure a great education for every American child. And one other thing I'll be doing very early in the administration is closing up the Department of Education in Washington DC and sending all education and education work and needs back to the states.

We want them to run the education of our children because they'll do a much better job of it. You can't do worse. We spend more money per pupil by 3 times than any other nation, and yet we're absolutely at the bottom. We're one of the worst. So you can't do worse.

We're going to end education coming out of Washington DC. We're gonna close it up, all those buildings all over the place, and you have people that, in many cases, hate our children. We're gonna send it all back to the states. Thank you very much.

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