Trump Flock Now Cry OUT because Americans REFUSE to Lower Themselves & Join Their False Idol

3 months ago

WAIT!!!!!!!! You want us to see YOUR TEARS?!
Where ya been stupid?! NO THANKS! Why would I?!
I save my prayers and what tears I HAVE LEFT for the innocent folks YOU HAVE BETRAYED! You are truly the wicked and there's no room for YOU in a good person's life! LIE AFTER LIE AFTER CHEAT AFTER RAPE AFTER THEFT is what YOU CHOSE and that's NOT GOOD ENOUGH for God Fearing Americans!
STOP USING GOD to mask your lies and HIDE your shame, LIARS!!!!
HOW DO YOU FIX THINGS?! Well, if you don't know, you're not sorry for anything assholes and DESERVE WHAT IS ON THE WAY!!!
You knew better but scoffed and looked the other way!

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