🌾🌱🌺 Seraphim Samuel Live stream : 11th Nov 2024.🌺🌱🌾

1 month ago

🌾🌿❤️Ancient Truth of ELOHIM❤️🌿🌾 taught by the END TIME MESSENGER of ELOHIM - Seraphim Samuel. 🔑🔐🌿💐:

It's important to UNLEARN the LIES of Babylone that was taught to us from childhood.
Keep yourselves UPDATED with the REAL TRUTH, as you listen to the Messenger's Voice crying out to you in the wilderness.

This 🌾📜🌷 "ANCIENT TRUTH OF ELOHIM" is the "OIL OF SALVATION", that was kept hidden from us by the demons/fallen ones/ principalities of darkness & the Shadow govt, to keep us all enslaved & in mental bondage for years.

There are many more links...please visit Seraphim Samuel 🔐🌾page, Archangel Abbadiel page & Archangel Raphael page & Steve Imanuel pages on facebook. Join on fb ---- 👇👇👇

🌿 "The Earth is Splitting Apart".
🌿 "New Yahrushalayim has drawn Nearer".
🌿 "The Last Days on Earth - Divine Signs Explained".
🌿 "The Ancient Truth of ELOHIM - The Unsealed Scrolls of Daniel the Prophet".
🌿 "Look up! The Ancient Truth is being revealed".
🌿 "The Oil of Salvation is ELOHIM'S ANCIENT TRUTH".

The ANCIENT TRUTH OF ELOHIM can be heard on SPOTIFY too.👇👇👇👇👇

Seraphim Samuel live ✨ April 3rd 2024. 👇👇👇👇👇
Solar Eclipse Event, Baltimore bridge, the Ascension & lots of other IMPORTANT topics being discussed on this live stream.

Seraphim Samuel is live now.
8th April 2024. 🔐⌛🚨📈📊
Magnitudes of earthquakes increasing everywhere. 🚨 👇👇👇👇👇

Seraphim Samuel live.
9th April 2024. ⌛🚨 More details on the Solar Eclipse🌞🌑🌚, The pathway where USA will split & more.....👇👇👇👇👇🚨🚩

Seraphim Samuel live stream.
Dated : 11th April 2024. Teachings on the 12 Foundation Stones & more.....💕👇👇

Seraphim Samuel live : 12th Feb 2024 :  🔥 Judgement for Trinidad & Tobago, Brazil, Turkey & many countries. 👇👇👇

Seraphim Samuel post : 8th Aug 2021. 🔐🔑👇👇👇👇👇

Archangel Raphael post : 6th March 2021 🔐🔑👇👇👇

Russia & China are getting prepaired for WW3. Read the Divine Prophecies of The End Time Messenger of ELOHIM Seraphim Samuel & Watch his live streams to know of their plans in the coming days. 🚨🔥🔐 👇👇👇



Seraphim Samuel Divine Prophecy of year 2021. 🔐📜🌾👇👇👇

Teachings on the Black Sun🌚 & lots more...taught by the Messenger of ELOHIM Seraphim Samuel🔐. This live video has been blocked ❎ by fb & youtube in several countries. 👇👇👇

This is the latest live, where Seraphim Samuel  speaks of the Black sun 🌚, along with the Pandoras Box 📦 & lots more.... 👇👇👇👇👇

Teachings on the ASCENSION PORTALS by Seraphim Samuel.🔐🌈👇👇👇

Seraphim Samuel post : 22nd March 2022 🔐⏰ 👇👇👇

Join the THE EARTH IS SPLITTING APART page on facebook. ASAP ⌛⏰🔐

Marvin Thurian Richards live stream of 2018. 📜🌾 The Transformation Effects & the Catching Away explained by Seraphim Samuel. 🔐👇👇👇👇👇

30th June 2018 live stream of Seraphim Samuel. 👇👇👇👇👇

Join : New Yahrushalayim has drawn near. 🔐🌈💐👇👇👇👇👇

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