11 11 The Unknown Path & Gateway Violet Pill Unity Message & Meditation

2 months ago

This years 11 11 Portal offering (to be watched before, during or after 11th November) is themed around The Unknown Path and its gateway which we are being invited to consider and to enter.
We are in times of collective and individual change - so how we approach this moment of newness is important - however this portal has requirements (not seen in previous years), although will remain open indefinitely waiting till you are ready.
The gateway is protected by the dragons and has on its other side an energy of unity, the unexplored, new contracts and the sacred mother of the Yew Tree.
Overseen by Archangel Metatron as always you are invited to be present.
This video forms the 4th I have done this week - all themed around unity and what I call 'the violet pill' - I will be taking next week off so you have plenty of time to catch up and watch them in whatever order calls - although this one can stand alone too.
Sealing off outgoing soul contracts and agreements now finishing - and receiving new instructions and assignments going forward.
Leaving the baying mob behind
Soul Star and rooting activations
Keeping an open mind
Strength of the inner child
The Elephant and Dragon
The Cosmos mirrors you and the hall of mirrors
Doubts and fears or love is your choice.
Thank you to all my supporters and I wish you a good 11:11 - whatever you are facing, you will be given the strength to walk through the initiatory fires now and find a way through the 'membrane' of this gateway to a new paradigm found within.
46:00 Meditation through the gateway starts
@AmandaEllis #awakening #1111 #1111portal #archangelmetatron #violetpil

Oracle decks: The Lantern Oracle by Angelina Mirabito, The Tree Angel Oracle by Fred Hageneder & Anne Heng, Life Soul Vision Oracle by Romy Wyser, and my own two decks:
The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor and The Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle

Suggested Sprays linked to the Violet / Purple ray of unity and clearing a path are:
Lavender Soul Star Chakra, Violet Dragon Master Clearance & Danger Defence, Archangel Metatron Higher Self, Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness & Transmutation, Archangel Metatron Cosmos Elemental, Healing Unicorn Rest & Receive

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

Artwork on the cover thumbnail by Helen at https://www.creativemandalas.com/

Angel Wings behind me by Angie at https://ajrart.co.uk/

My OFFICIAL AND ONLY INSTAGRAM PAGE (currently 48K followers as of November 2024) is ANGELIC CELESTIAL COLOURS. I DO NOT OFFER READINGS, Ask you to follow me or private message you - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. This is my link to my account - join us there for daily news: https://www.instagram.com/angeliccelestialcolours/?hl=enI

I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too!

Music Intro: - https://omegagon.bandcamp.com - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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