S4 Ep47 Defending the Popes and Councils Against the Popes and Councils

2 months ago

We look at Catholic Popes and Councils and their utterly clear statements on the necessity of Catholic baptism, weekly mass attendance, and good standing in the bosom of the Catholic Church at the time of death. No ifs, ands or buts. No nuancing. Utterly clear! We then look at other Popes and the current catechism which completely contradict them.

And the super serious Catholics who reject all popes since Pius XII have the additional problem of arguing that the College of Cardinals infallibly appointed by Pius XI and Pius XII somehow were not infallible when they chose John XXIII. Quite the poser! But at least they see the contradictions mentioned above. So, in a weird way, the super duper Catholics agree with me!

A recent survey revealed that 77% of professing Catholics do not attend weekly mass (almost certainly fewer attend all the Holy Days of Obligation). Well, since we're pretty sure they don't all have great excuses every single week, according to codified RC doctrine, they're on their way to eternal fiery torment upon death. We look at those related RCC doctrines. We ask again, if you don't fear their warnings of eternal fiery torment, why do you believe their promises of heaven?

Hey, I don't hates 'em, I just quotes 'em!

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