Prophecy – Part 3 --- False Prophets – Part B

3 months ago

Prophecy – Part 3
False Prophets – Part B

I would like to visit about the difference between a prophet, and someone who gives a prophetic word. (1Cor.14)
A Prophet is a gift from Jesus to the church to help equip the saints for ministry.
A prophet is an office, a fictional position of ministry. You are not a prophet if you prophesy.
Giving a prophetic word is operating on one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I want to continue to talk about false prophets, and false prophetic words. Part B
I think false prophets are after a position of power, authority, influence to have a following – to manipulate people for their agenda, not God’s agenda.
So, what is a false prophet?

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21, 2 Peter 2:1-19, 1 John4:1-8, Matthew 7:15-24

Ver.15 – “come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
v.23 “…you who practice lawlessness!' NIV - you evildoers!'
v.24 “…hears these words of mine and puts them into practice..
In this parable, this person heard the word and was teachable, correctable, soft towards instruction able to receive discipline.

A false prophet is opposite of this. Finds fault, not able to receive correction, doesn’t submit to authority, – quick to tell a church what they need to do, but are not a part of a body of believers. Lawless – a law unto themselves.

1 Jn.4:1-8
What does the rest of this chapter emphasize? Walking out love.

When Paul was explaining the operation of Spiritual gifts being used in a church setting it almost feels like he stops almost in the middle of explaining how the gifts of the Spirit work, Paul places 1 Cor.13 there to emphasize “love.” – if I operate in the spiritual without love…. They look like sheep, yet are wolves.
They talk a spiritual talk, yet lack love in operation.

Do you want to know how to discern false prophets, look at how they love.
Are they “of the accuser of the brethren?” Especially of spiritual leaders.

Earmarks or Characteristics of a False Prophet
2Pet. 2:1-19
They deny the work of Jesus v.1 The blaspheme the truth v.2
They are greedy v.3, 14 They use words that sound close to the truth v.3
They follow the flesh v.10 Presumptuous & self-willed v.10

Refuse to be under anyone’s authority v.10-11
They Speak more evil than good v.12 They love to deceive others v.13
Eyes full of adultery v.14 Prey on unstable new believers v.14
Intentionally speak lies v.15 They talk a lot but say nothing v.16, 18
Make promises they can’t deliver. V.19

Here is Gary’s list of the characteristics of a false prophet.
They want a following - a need to correct / control people.
They don’t submit to authority. And are usually disconnected from a body of
believers, because: “that church has problems” or “they have greater revelation.”
They don’t love people. They won’t lay down their life for others.
They want to exploit you, take advantage of you, lead you to themselves, to other
gods, to a church ministry, etc.

If prophecy is so dangerous, shouldn’t we just set an atmosphere where we don’t allow someone to give a prophetic word?
I believe Paul was emphasizing just the opposite in 1 Cor.12-14.

1 Thess.5:19-21 don’t quench the Spirit, don’t despise prophecies…

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