Responsive MedWin Website Design | HTML, CSS & JS

4 months ago

how to make a complete responsive hospital website design using html css and javascript from scratch.
create a complete responsive hospital / medical store / medical website design template using html css and javascript tutorial for beginners.

the main feature of this website are:
✔ responsive header section using flexbox.
✔ responsive home section using css flexbox.
✔ responsive count box section using css grid.
✔ responsive services box section using css grid.
✔ responsive about section using css flexbox.
✔ responsive team card section using css grid.
✔ responsive contact / booking form section using css flexbox.
✔ responsive testimonial / review card section using css grid.
✔ responsive blogs / post / news box section using css grid.
✔ responsive footer section using css grid.
Download Starter Files:
Source Code:
Intro (0:00)
Variable (0:36)
Head Top (7:06)
Head Start (12:05)
Banner (22:52)
Appointment (27:29)
About (39:21)
Treatment (43:59)
Doctors (52:41)
Testimonial (1:14:02)
Contact (1:29:12)
Footer (1:37:28)
Copyright (1:53:51)
Slider Setting (1:57:17)
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