PBD vs. Richard Werner - Where did the Money go?

3 months ago

Subscribe to Prof. Richard Werner's substack: https://rwerner.substack.com

Prof. Richard Werner joins Patrick Bet-David to share his view on the health of the United States and to explain how central banks can, without cost, buy bad debt from the banks at par value.

Prof. Werner argues that buy purchasing bad debt at par, the banking system will be revived and, in turn, the banks can pull the economy out of a recession - all without any inflation! PBD argues that by purchasing bad debt, central banks add new money to the economy and inflation will only worsen.

Prof. Werner provides several examples of when a central bank has taken this emergency measure, to purchase bad debt off the banks, without injecting any new money into the economy: Japan 1945 & UK 1914

Where did the money go? Who is right?

Watch part 2: https://rumble.com/v5o65xh-pbd-vs.-richard-werner-heated-debate-on-qe.html

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