"The Pyramids Were Built in The Future" Michael Feeley - 10th Nov 2024

3 months ago

Michael returns to the show with powerful revelations from his time-travelling experiences in his past life as the scribe of Leonardo da Vinci. Prepare to have your head blown...

Michael Feeley began life as a council estate child, like me, exposed to standard mainstream education.

But what he became and the unknown knowledge that he was later exposed to is out of this world, literally. He was to learn that in a former incarnation he was the personal Scribe to Leonardo DA Vinci, which has also continued in this current incarnation. He continues to receive advanced wisdom's direct from this, the most advanced mind to have ever existed, and he acts as a channel for Leonardo in order to assist humanity, revealing many secrets unknown by anyone else.

In this, and other webinars, Michael will share with you, each month, many of these channeled messages, and direct communications, and the quantum equations given to him by Leonardo himself, which include the cures for disease, free energy systems, portals, the Moon and its involvement in an earthly dimensional split, time travel, and the purpose of life itself plus much more.

So why not join Michael each month as he educates the world, through the assistance of greatness?

Register for Webinar 1 on November 15th at 7pm UK time here: https://attwooddigital.samcart.com/products/michael-feeley-webinar-15th-nov-24

Watch my previous shows with Michael Feeley here: https://themarkattwoodshow.com/title/?post_type=video_skrn&search_keyword=feeley&vduration=&vrating=0%2C5&submit=Search+Videos

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