Spain: Extreme Anger Erupts in Valencia as Protesters Clash With Riot Police

3 months ago

🔥 Spain Flooding Aftermath Outcry: Over 100,000 people protest in Valencia over floods

👉 Courtesy: The Sun

Huge numbers of people have protested in Valencia against authorities' handling of recent deadly floods, demanding the resignation of regional head Carlos Mazón.

Spanish outlets, including news agency Efe, cited a government body as saying 130,000 people took to the streets on Saturday - with protesters chanting "we are stained with mud, you are stained with blood, Justice! Justice! Justice!".

More than 200 people died in the flooding, which was caused by torrential rain hitting Valencia and neighbouring provinces in October. Eighty people are still missing.

Protesters have accused local authorities of issuing flood warnings far too late.

Angry protesters clashed with police towards the end of the demonstrations.

Pictures show Valencia City Hall smeared with mud, while the Reuters news agency reports protesters throwing chairs and other objects.

The city's mayor, María José Catalá, posted pictures of broken windows and a video appearing to show a fire being started on social media, adding: "Vandalism is not the solution."

Valencia City Council condemned "vandalism", saying the city had also been affected by the floods.

Anna Oliver, one of the protest organisers, told the Reuters news agency: "We want to show our indignation and anger over the poor management of this disaster which has affected so many people."

Last week the king and queen of Spain were pelted with mud and other objects by angry protesters during a visit to the town of Paiporta, one of the worst affected.

Objects were also thrown at Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who was quickly evacuated.

Thousands of people have lost their homes and streets in many areas are still covered in mud and debris.

Mazón, of the conservative Popular Party, has defended his actions. He says his officials did not receive enough warning from central government and the scale of the disaster was unforeseeable.

🏃‍ From Valencia Half Marathon (Death & Slavery) To Valencia Flood Disaster (Death & Misery)

🏃‍ ከባሌንሲያ ግማሽ ማራቶን (ሞት እና ባርነት) እስከ ባሌንሲያ የጎርፍ አደጋ (ሞት እና መከራ)

☆ 2024 ቫለንሲያ ግማሽ ማራቶን፣ እ.አ.አ 27. ጥቅምት 2024
አዲስ አስገራሚ የአለም ክብረ ወሰን!! || የኢትዮጵያው ዮሚፍ ቀጄልቻ
(ጋላ-ኦሮሞ = ሞት እና ባርነት)

► በሦስት ቀናት ልዩነት፦

☆ የቫሌንሲያ የጎርፍ አደጋ፣ እ.አ.አ ጥቅምት 31፣ 2024
በዚህ ክፍለ ዘመን በአውሮፓ ውስጥ ካሉት አስከፊ የጎርፍ አደጋዎች አንዱ

በአሁኑ ጊዜ በዓለም ላይ በቅርብ ቀናት ውስጥ እንደ ስፔን የመብረቅ አደጋ የተመዘገበባት ሀገር የለችም። ከባዱ ዝናብ ያስከተለው ጎርፉም የስፔን ከተሞችን በማመስላ ላይ ይገኛል። እንደ ግራኝ ከዳተኛው የዓለም ኤኮኖሚክ መድረክ (WEF) ምልምል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ፔድሮ ሳንቼዝ ፔሬዝ-ካስቴጆን ፪፻፲፩/211 ሰዎችን የገደለው የጎርፍ መጥለቅለቅ በዚህ ምዕተ-አመት በአውሮፓ ውስጥ ከታዩት የከፋው ነው ብሏል። የሞት እና ባርነት መንፈስን የሚስብ ሞትንና ባርነትን ያሰፍናል። ለጎርፉ ሰለባዎች፤

✞✞✞ R.I.P /R.I.F/D.E.P/ ነ.ይ / ነፍሳቸውን ይማርላቸው ✞✞✞

☆ 2024 Valencia Half Marathon, 27. October 2024
A NEW WORLD RECORD!! || Ethiopia's Yomif Kejelcha
(Oromo = Death and Slavery) Drops CRAZY TIME!

► Three days apart:

☆ Valencia flood disaster, 31 October 2024
One of Worst Floods in Europe This Century

Today, no country in the world has recorded as many lightning strikes as Spain in recent days. Even Spain's traitor WEF Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón said the flooding that killed 211 people was one of worst in Europe this century. He who attracts the spirit of death and slavery spreads death and slavery.

For the flood victims; ✞✞✞ R.I.P /R.I.F/D.E.P/ ነ.ይ / ነፍሳቸውን ይማርላቸው ✞✞✞

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