Thornhill's POV: Science Heading for a BIG BANG | Thunderbolts

4 months ago

The Thunderbolts Project
Nov 11, 2024
Thornhill's POV: Science Heading for a BIG BANG | Thunderbolts
A reading of the article “Science Heading for a BIG BANG” by Wal Thornhill. Narrated by David Harrison, proprietor of Stickman On Stone.

Forget the glossy astronomy books and magazines—the Big Bang is pure fiction. The discoveries that prove it will also bring about the end of science-as-we-know-it.

Of course, many books and articles have been published heralding the end of science—meaning there is little left to learn. The truth is the opposite. Much of what we think we know “ain’t so”. As always, unlearning it will give us more trouble than learning something new.

The belief of scientists in their cleverly concocted creation story, the Big Bang, has become so entrenched and over-hyped that it is difficult to imagine an effective face-saving strategy when the news leaks out that it is nonsense. And let there be no doubt about it, the hard science to prove the case against the Big Bang has been done by an astronomer who is uniquely well placed for the task.

His name is Halton Arp, and he is best known for his classic work "The Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies".

When he began to announce findings nearly thirty years ago that contradicted orthodox cosmology he was refused telescope time and publication in the standard journals. In frustration he published two books. The first in 1987 titled "Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies". Then in 1998, "Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science".

“Redshift” is the term used to describe the shift in frequency of spectral lines toward the red end of the spectrum. It is known to occur when an object is speeding away from us.

...from "Science Heading for a BIG BANG" by Wal Thornhill.

Read the entire source article here...
Holoscience, EU Views - April 27, 2000
THOTH, VOL IV, No 8 - April 30, 2000


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