Country Butt-WHOOPIN! Scott Jennings Leaves Dana Bash And CNN Panel SPEECHLESS About Trump Reckoning

3 months ago

Posted • November 10, 2024: Yeah yeah yeah, we know. We already wrote about Scott Jennings once this morning but dagummit, the man just keeps kicking butt and taking names and so we have to keep writing about him. If he could stop being so awesome and making Leftist journos like Dana Bash cry we could take a break from writing about him. BUT, until then … here we are. And this is straight fire. Watch their faces as Jennings just explains how it is and how it's going to be with President Donald J. Trump: A "country butt-whoopin" — Scott Jennings reminds Dana Bash and CNN panel that Trump has a mandate from the American people — and Trump will act on “taming the federal bureaucracy." This can’t be emphasized hard enough. The rogue administrative state must be brought to heel:

Jennings: “Number one, if I was over in Tehran and I had just hacked and tried to assassinate Donald Trump, and now he's fixing to take over the United States military again, I'd probably be a little worried. On the domestic front, there's a political science term for what Republicans did this week. It's called a country butt whoopin.’" - "And they have a mandate to govern. And one thing I want to see them do is get a handle on the bureaucracy. They're meeting at the Pentagon right now about possibly thwarting Donald Trump. You've got a rogue FEMA employee out here, we're not going to give aid to people with Donald Trump signs." - "The bureaucracy works for the people. The people elect the leaders." -- Bash: “Good Luck." -- HA HA HA HA HA - She so MAD. Jennings is hammering this message in light of the “secret Pentagon meetings” where they’re plotting against Trump. And they wonder why he's going to come in and clean house. NO MORE sideways, backroom deals sabotaging Trump and ultimately sabotaging this country. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'Country Butt-WHOOPIN'! Scott Jennings Leaves Dana Bash and CNN Panel SPEECHLESS About Trump Reckoning

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