Elitists' failing transhumanism/surveillance state - tell them to get lost with their absurd lies

3 months ago

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on the elitist transhumanism agenda to live forever. Digital surveillance under the skin. Manufacture a global Covid crisis, transition the world to a surveillance state.




Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer addresses the Impfopfer Victim Summit in Vienna Austria (09/11/24), introduced by Fiona Rose Diamond of Covileaks.

"I wish I didn't have to communicate this information but there is no possibility that the people involved in designing these products did not know that they would have the effects that I predicted and that so many people have actually
experienced. It is intentional - there is ample evidence that this assault which is not the only thing that's ever happened.

Unfortunately it's the first I noticed. I was a so-called Normie until 2020. I believed everything I was told but this is part of a long planned assault by powerful wealthy people operating above the level of nation so I'm afraid organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Economic Forum are populated by the people who I believe have orchestrated this attack on Humanity and they're going to do it again.

There are factories all around the world, busy manufacturing these so-called vaccines and formulating them in the way I just described and they're going to come up with contrived reasons why you need to roll your sleeve up, and I'm telling you for the love of God, please don't do it. The only way we will push these people away is by speaking out as we see it and simply refusing to follow absurd instructions, no matter what of sensible reason they come up with for you to do that.

I have been subject to astonishing censorship and smearing and that's true. I've always said if you hear me, please repeat what what I have said to other people. I've got a tiny reach because I'm censored and no one else is coming to save us. It's just a small number of us who are not willing to stay quiet while this is done to us but it's part of a wider deception.

The pandemic lie is is a major one. I don't have time to go into it now but see my other recording. But there wasn't a pandemic, there's never been a pandemic. They can't happen. It's a lie.

The so-called human induced climate change crisis, that's all a lie as well. It's the same people who put this together at the end of the 1960s - the Club of Rome. They chose these two topics of infectious disease and climate change to scare people because they realized it would force a response from above the level of nation.

But I'm saying stand on your own feet and tell them to get lost with their absurd lies.

And there's a third line which underlies these. We've been told all our lives that the world is overpopulated and it's literally absurd. If you're up in an airplane, within a few minutes, even over a busy city, this place is just full of cities and forest and fields. So that's yet another lie.

But I think that's what's driving them. They think there's too many of us little people and they seek to control us digitally and then eventually inject us to death. It's only going to be stopped then by us refusing to cooperate.

And that's my testimony. I hope that was helpful to you."

Dr Mike Yeadon

Watch: https://youtu.be/JHXxxWjT-z0?si=-N_BdNKYT3madaCX

More more info on Dr Mike Yeadon: https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel
For more info on Covileaks: https://covileaks.co.uk/
More more info on Impfopfer: https://www.impfopfer.info

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