Imminent Food Shortage THREAT Is Real: New PLANDEMIC Will Trigger More Inflation

3 months ago

Prepare today so you can feed your family during the coming food crisis at and use promo code “STEW”.
Clayton Llewelyn is back with Stew to talk about food security and what you can do to protect your family from the next global crisis.
One year ago Stew warned the NATO backed war in Ukraine would suppress trade, drive up food prices, and cause a global food shortage.
Generally, inflation is at 3.2%.
However, food inflation is at a rate of 5%.
These price increases are not going to end anytime soon because the Biden administration is continuing the same policies that have caused this mayhem.
If people are starving they are much easier to control.
This is why a food shortage would be advantageous for power hungry politicians.
It’s also a way to silence those who are speaking out against government corruption.
This is why it’s so important to stock up with Heaven’s Harvest.
The country is hanging by a thread and the next crisis could happen at any second.
Whether it is a false flag assassination, a hot war with Russia, or an attack on the American electrical grid people must get prepared now before it’s too late.

Mirrored - Stew Peters Network

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