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McDonalds Human DNA Controversy
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McDonalds Human DNA Controversy
Play FBI finds remains.
Allegedly, Human Meat has been Found In McDonald’s Meat Factories. This video was allegedly from a report from Detroit Michigan which is very hard to find. Inspectors have also allegedly found human meat and horse meat in the freezers of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory which Snopes and AP says was a hoax. The report said human meat was also recovered in several trucks that were on their way to deliver the patties to the restaurants. According to the report, authorities have inspected factories and restaurants across the country and have allegedly found human meat in 90% of the locations. Horse meat was also found in 65% of the locations as well. Supposed FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible”.
I could not find anything about this FBI agent and the Oklahoma story.
PolitiFact debunked the Detroit video already. The video clip is real, but it does not show a reporter at a McDonald’s meat supplier. It’s from Dec. 13, 2013, and shows a reporter from metro Detroit’s ABC News affiliate WXYZ-TV discussing the FBI’s investigation into International Biological Inc., a business the reporter described as a "medical educational service provider." Far from a meat manufacture.
According to Snopes and the Associated Press, these allegations are false and there is not evidence to support the claims whatsoever. The only real evidence this case has is the video that a local news channel in Detroit that has been resurfacing on the internet. This is what I played in the beginning. Of all the sources I have found, most are alternative news which are not that reliable and you will not find one credible news outlet that supports this story. And why would you? If the people really found this out, it would ruin the Luciferian sacrifices and spells. Academia says it’s an old hoax. But the ABC News Channel 7 report is damning enough for the critical thinkers to make up their own minds.
The Oklahoma report impelled food inspectors to investigate the matter further to find human and horse meat in the freezers of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory. Inspectors allegedly found human meat in several trucks on their way to deliver the burgers to the fast food restaurants. There are alleged reports which suggest that upon inspecting McDonald’s factories and food restaurants throughout the country, food authorities found human meat in 90% of the locations, while horse meat was found in 65% of the locations. In the words of FBI agent Lloyd Harrison for Huzler, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible.” I could not find any person that worked for the FBI named Lloyd Harrison and the Huzler website is long gone. Huzlers was in fact a satirical blog from Detroit so that outs this story to rest.
Now, McDonald’s does use worm meat fillers and legally call It 100% beef. Large companies have been the subject of rumors that they substitute unusual or unethical substances in their products for decades, usually to decrease costs. McDonald’s is not immune to such claims. McDonald’s has been accused of using everything from worms to cow eyeballs in its burgers. Dating far back to at least 1978, there have been rumors that McDonald’s restaurants use earthworms in their hamburgers. The fact that McDonald’s uses cow eyeballs and worm fillers does not stop them from legally using the claim that they served 100% beef. McDonald’s has assured its consumers that its product contains 100% beef. They are allowed to do this because McDonald’s buys their “beef” from a company called “100% Beef Company”, making it possible for McDonald’s to call beef byproducts and soy McDonald’s then ships the beef to their grinding facility in Oak Brook, Illinois where they then take the ground worm filler and add it to their “100% beef patties”. McDonald’s serves billions of people around the world every year. This allows them to produce a higher profit margin by increasing the amount of patties that can be made, by increasing their product load with the worm filler. The worm filler is ground and packaged in a facility next to McDonald’s corporate headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. The employees must sign a confidentiality waiver to never discuss the ingredients of the McDonald’s food products or face termination and legal repercussions. However many employees have stepped up over the years with the truth and have created a huge controversy over the quality of food that the company produces.
McDonald’s has also been accused of using mutant laboratory meat, and pig fat their milkshakes and ice cream. Considering that one quarter of Americans eat McDonald’s every single day, although nutritionists recommend you do so only once a month, they are doing so unaware of the products they are putting into their body. If everybody truly knew what they were consuming, they definitely would not be eating this. First they smuggled horse meat into the meat supply. Then came the mysterious “pink slime.” Now, we have evidence of human meat in the food supply. The elite are determined to strip us of nourishing, traditional meat sources and instead force-feed us bugs, crickets, and even more disturbing alternatives like feces and human meat. Their agenda is becoming clearer by the day.
Allegations of tainted meat in the supply chain of one of the world’s largest fast-food chains just won’t disappear — and it’s no surprise, given that McDonald’s partnered with globalist eugenicist Bill Gates to supply key ingredients for their Frankenfoods. Gates snapped up an unprecedented amount of US farmland in recent years, becoming America’s biggest landowner, and providing McDonalds with the potatoes for their French Fries. Why was Gates, the man who has vowed to depopulate the world, so laser-focused on partnering with McDonalds on their popular French Fries? For the record, we are talking about the same French Fries that have been found to contain 19 dangerous ingredients and more cancer causing chemicals than a packet of cigarettes. If you think that is disturbing, wait until you learn about the scandal that just won’t go away.
According to credible estimates, McDonalds Corporation has spent upwards of $100 million and counting on legal fees attempting to brush this scandal under the carpet and yet the controversy continues to grow as investigators uncover further evidence of impropriety.
There were confirmed “human remains” of young children later found in Japan. In 2015 children’s teeth were found in McDonald’s sausages, potatoes and pancakes in various Japanese cities. And in 2018, children’s teeth also were found in a sausage muffin. At the time, McDonald’s Japan held press conferences, though did not mention the causes of the human remains that were traced to children’s teeth. They confirmed the meat came from their headquarters in the US and even tried to shift responsibility onto their customers. We shouldn’t be surprised. The global elite thrive on mocking and degrading humanity.
McDonalds Corporation, the world’s leading dealer of GMOs and Frankenfoods, have been deceiving the public about what is really on their menu for decades as they continued using pink slime to make their beef patties. A combination of ammonium hydroxide and the off-cuts of beef usually sold only as highly processed dog food, pink slime is just one of the mystery ingredients served up to the public by McDonalds Corporation. British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver exposed the scandal on his TV show Jamie’s Food Revolution. There is just one problem. As soon as the scandal blew over, McDonalds started using pink slime again. Can we trust them about anything they say? Future generations will look back at the likes of Bill Gates and McDonalds with horror.
They will be astonished that the billionaire and multinational corporation was allowed by the FDA to perform what is essentially a sick and twisted science experiment on the world’s population, damaging the health of millions of unsuspecting people in the process.
McDonalds aim their advertising squarely at children and adolescents, trying to hook them on their chemical-laden addictive products while they are young and vulnerable – and all in the name of profit over all else. Judy Byington Bombshell Report: McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food?
Many McDonalds Restaurants across the world have been shutdown since Covid: New York City, Kuta Bali, Victoria, South Australia. Recently McDonald’s ran out of milkshakes in England, Scotland and Wales. It was planned that the entire McDonalds network of franchises would be closed in the near future. CNBC has reported that McDonald’s will close hundreds of locations in Walmart stores “as the pandemic changed shopping habits.”
In 2020 a Rabbi named Abraham Finkelstein admitted to Pastor James Wickstrom they kidnap and slaughter some 300,000 children in blood sacrifices. They then sell the bodies of the children for meat to McDonalds. We played his audio on Rumble a few months ago reported that McDonald’s was using human parts in their “beef,” making one wonder if there was another reason besides Covid for the rash of McDonald’s closures in Walmart stores across the nation and the globe. McDonalds was owned by the Khazarian Mafia, which was known by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors to be high rollers in the Illuminati – members of whom have been reported to practice Human Sacrifice to their God Satan, mainly of innocent children.
Show Finkel
Truther Nicholas Veniamin interviewed David Mahoney on about the supposed allegations of McDonalds. Same with truther Charlie Ward who interviewed some lady about McDonalds using a company called Senomyx for flavor enhancers which used fetal tissue from aborted babies. It’s the same company that Pepsi was accused of using for their flavoring as well. None of these interviews can be substantiated as all they have as real evidence is Japan’s 3 incidences of human remains that were found in McDonalds.
Show Charlie
CBS News reported in 2016 that Human & Rat DNA Found In Burgers, Scientists Say. Clear Labs tested 258 samples from 79 brands and 22 retailers from retailers and fast food chains in Northern California. The sample was representative of both national brands and brands on the West Coast. Using next-generation genomic sequencing (NGS) and other third party tests, Clear Labs screens for authenticity, major, medium, and minor substitution, contamination, gluten, toxigenic fungi and toxic plants, other allergens, and missing ingredients. Of the 258 sample size, Clear Labs says human DNA was found in one vegetarian burger and rat DNA was found in a fast food burger, a vegetarian burger and a ground meat sample. "What many consumers don't know is that some amounts of human and rat DNA may fall within an acceptable regulatory range," said the company.
Now, rat found in McDonalds meat wouldn’t be that big of a surprise due to the manufacturing processes and the large buildings that process food. Buildings do sometimes have rats and mice. The FDA has a threshold they allow for such droplets that get added into our food. It’s small and most people don’t blink an eye, but human remains? This could be from the workers in the factories themselves. By chance, a worker could have cut themselves and flood poured into the vat. This happens more often than you think. But a randomized test of patties from Clear Labs and the odds they found a tainted batch is few and far between. Just finding some is a test of 258 random samples is concerning.
Newsmax and The San Francisco Chronicle reported too, that Clear Labs, which employs software engineers and genomic scientists, tested samples of ground meat, frozen patties, fast food burgers, and veggie burgers from 79 brands and 22 retailers. The study discovered that 13.6 percent of the samples were not entirely what they claimed to be. For example, researchers found pork substituted in some ground beef products, which would be problematic for those with religious eating restrictions like Jewish people and Muslims. The study suggested that the human DNA likely came from hair, skin, or a fingernail that was accidentally mixed in during the manufacturing process. Clear Labs added that it believed the amounts detected "most likely fell within the acceptable regulatory range as we understand them." So, if you eat 258 hamburgers, one will contain human samples. All reporters made light of the evidence as I would assume they would rather than face a law suit from McDonalds, which could sue for defamation.
So, could McDonalds have paid clear labs to do this test? Who is Clear Labs? From my research, their website is a piece of shit. Located in San Carlos, they seem to be a cloud based data gathering factory. Clear Labs is a private company that was founded in 2014 by a team of scientists, software engineers, and bioinformaticians. The company's headquarters are in San Carlos, California. Sasan Amini in 2014, an immigrant who left his job at a genomics company to start Clear Labs. Dafgårds, HBM Genomics, Morgan Stanley, Nimble Partners, and Prime Partners are 5 of 29 investors who have invested in Clear Labs. If any of these companies are related to McDonalds, you know this was a campaign to cover up Japan’s problem. No, Morgan Stanley does not own McDonald's, but it is one of the largest shareholders of the company. Morgan Stanley: One of the largest shareholders of McDonald's, along with Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., State Street Corp, and others.
Clear Labs was obviously hired to cherry pick and report what Morgan Stanley asked them to report. Add a little bit of hair and whola. Just normal stuff inside a normal manufacturing plant. But they didn’t test any food in Japan. It was all done in California. How convenient. When I started writing this story, at first I knew they were guilty of such crimes against humanity, but uncovering the hoaxes in 2013, I started to think this story will go nowhere and McDonalds will be off the hook. But Japan made headline news in the UK which has not been taken down nor has The New York Times. The newspapers reported it as likely external placement, meaning someone planted it or the tooth came from a child who somehow his tooth made it in an english muffin. But Japan McDonalds apologized for it. However, if you didn’t do it, fight it. Well, they did. A Massachusetts truck driver sued McDonalds for biting on a tooth and sued McDonalds in 2010. Since he did not provide the tooth he claimed broke his tooth, the case was dismissed.
I too bit on a bone when eating a cheeseburger when I was 16 years old. it wasn’t a McDonalds restaurant, but fast food all the same. It broke my tooth in half. A study found that fast food hamburgers contain bone, along with other tissue types like connective tissue, blood vessels, and plant material. The Food Safety and Inspection Service regulates bone particle size limits and calcium content in these products. The piece I hit was swallowed along with my tooth as it happened so fast, but even to today, I slowly chew and have found bone fragments in fast food hamburgers. Whether they are teeth or not I will never know. But it’s more common than it should be. A reddit user said, “My friend made a horrible mistake going to McDonald's in the first place his next horrible mistake was getting a cheeseburger and not just cheap coffee. Proceeded to bite into his burger and cracked his tooth in half on a bone shard. But I mean hey $35,000 settlement is a $35,000 settlement”
Bone or teeth should not be found in hamburger. If you have experienced this, then we have something in common that is not common. Whether Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein is telling the truth or not, we shouldn’t put our faith anymore in processed foods. The bible says people prayed over their food to detach the demons that were attached to it when the food was sacrificed to idols. Do you really think the corporations of today do not practice the same? The water company liquid death ran a campaign where they claimed they attach demons to their water. Calling it demon infused. They said, “We hired a real witch to trap real demons inside our cans of water.” Now, most likely, they were just joking as it was done on Halloween. But what if they were not? Playing around with the spirit world is dangerous and even some of the articles that covered the prank even said to drink that at your own risk.
Of all the speculations against McDonalds, why them? If they did not do any of this and the Rabbi was lying, then according to odds, this kind of accusation would happen to other fast food chains. The only th
ing I could find is Dairy Queen who in 2019, was raided by federal officers, but it was a single incident and no one has any clear indication other than speculation. Another was Taco Bell and something called mystery meat which was just filler and not human. A TGIF was accused of a finger found in their food after an employee cut it off. The only accounts of thousands of stories online is mainly McDonalds.
The only evidence we have is the McDonalds of Japan apologized for there being a tooth in their food. That’s it. No evidence other than Clear Lab and the hair story which was paid for by their biggest investor. All of the other stories could have been true other than the detroit story which obviously was something else. If they were true, McDonalds did a great job covering it up. They are actually squeeky clean when it comes to accusations and evidence. If I were a prosecutor, I would focus on Japan and the 3 different incidences, however, that is an entirely different country and would not hold any weight in a US court.
McDonalds earns around 9 billion a year. They can afford to cover up any wrongdoings. A billion is 1,000 million. They spend about $200 - $400 million a year on lawsuits.
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