Beautiful Wild Box Turtle Has Claimed This Back Yard as His Own

3 months ago

This North American box turtle has claimed a back yard in Tennessee as his own. It is frequently seen roaming through the grass behind a house in a quiet neighbourhood. They are beautiful creatures that prefer to stay in small areas, not roaming far from home. They commonly live more than 40 years, with unverified claims being made that some have reached 100 years of age.
Box turtles have a domed shell and a hinge on their lower carapace, allowing them to close their shell tightly to avoid being attacked by predators. They feed on snails, insects, berries, fungi, slugs, worms, flowers, fish, frogs, salamanders, various rodents, snakes, birds, eggs, and other vegetation. They have even been known to feed on carrion such as roadkill. In their younger years, these turtles are largely carnivorous. As they grow in age, they feed more on plants.
Because these turtles are highly attractive, they are threatened by over harvesting for pet trade. Despite their appeal, these turtles are difficult to care for and do not make good pets.

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