Why Won’t They Listen to the True Gospel?

3 months ago

The Golden Calf of Modern-Day Christianity: "Why Won’t They Listen to the True Gospel?"

In this thought-provoking video, we explore the parallels between the golden calf of ancient Israel and the practices of modern-day Christianity. Why do so many reject the true message of the Gospel and cling to man-made traditions? We delve into the origins of these beliefs, examining how they stray from the Torah of Yahuah and the teachings of the Messiah.

Join us as we uncover the historical and spiritual roots of these practices, challenging viewers to seek the truth and return to the faith once delivered to the Natsarim. This video is a call to wake up, to discern between truth and deception, and to embrace the true Gospel in its fullness.

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This video is not a message of hate toward today’s religious systems but a wake-up call. We explore the striking parallels between the golden calf of ancient Israel and the traditions within modern-day Christianity. Why do so many resist the true Gospel and cling to human doctrines?

With love and urgency, we examine how these practices deviate from the Torah of Yahuah and the teachings of the Messiah. Our goal is to inspire viewers to seek the truth, discern between tradition and Scripture, and return to the ancient paths of faith.

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