Another Donald Trump Presidency! The LORD of Hosts Musters the Army for Battle!

3 months ago

"The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like that of many people! A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together! The LORD of hosts musters the army for battle." Isaiah 13:4

Donald Trump has secured a historic victory in becoming the 47th President of the United States. The forces of darkness are confounded. God is up to something BIG in the nations of the earth, and it's all about the judgement of spiritual Babylon and the end-time harvest of souls.

By the grace of God, and to His glory, this is a powerful and prophetic message about the raising up of Donald Trump like King Cyrus of old. (Isaiah 45:1-7) In this message, I establish why Donald Trump was the clear righteousness candidate in the US election and how he overcame all odds to secure a historic victory, thwarting the Satanic globalist agenda.

As Christians, we must rejoice and align ourselves with the LORD of hosts when He wraps Himself in a cloak of zeal (Isaiah 59:17) to accomplish his purposes on the earth.

What does this mean for Australia? What is the role and assignment of churches in Australia? How can we follow the leadership of Christians and church leaders in America?

In this message I teach about the dual-role of the church as physician and prophet — our function as both salt and light. We will call out and oppose gross institutional evil like the killing of the unborn (abortion) and the mental assault on young minds (transgender agenda) while flowing the rivers of living water into the barren terrain of humanity.

Our political leaders and candidates must be outspoken in defence of the oppressed, and align with righteousness values, or forfeit the votes of Christians.

The church is called to be a prophetic voice to any and all governments, without fear or favour. Our value proposition to earthly authorities is that we truly have the Spirit of God in us and can offer other-worldly counsel and intervention. (Dan 2:10, Gen 41:37-38)

Use this link to read my prophetic word (that I refer to) from 2016 after the first election of Donald Trump:

**We lost power in the building TWICE during the preaching of the message, hence the editing of the message.**

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Park Ridge QLD,
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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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