Immigrant granny on #MaricopaCounty RecorderFontes in 2019. He is AZ SOS now. Do you trust him?

3 months ago

Entire world has been watching MC (Maricopa County) since 2018 midterm s-election. Whoever is behind the forces that installed SOS Hobbs to become a current #Arizona governor without recusing herself as a AZ SOS, is not working for the people and current mistreatment of citizen journalists is extremely alarming.
WHAT are MC officials hiding and WHO are they really working for?!
Please watch citizens made documentary “CAGES” to understand the root of evil in Arizona::
And finally;
Who’s behind #SkyBridge project?!
We are alarmed about unimaginable evil-doing, and it’s our duty to talk about it;_ so please join us in prayers that wrong-doing against innocent people finally backfires on evil-doers.
God Bless Arizona and God Bless America.

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