Alnico Smithery - Demo and First Look (No Commentary, Only Music)

3 months ago

First Look at Alnico Smithery — The Art of Forging Awaits! 🔨🔥

Step into the immersive world of Alnico Smithery as I explore the Demo of this unique, hand-drawn forging simulator. In this First Look, we’re diving into the physics-based mechanics of smithing, from mining ore to crafting intricate alloys and valuable tools. Each step brings us closer to rebuilding the smithery left behind by our grandfather, where every crank, lever, and bellow breathes life into the forge.

Join me as I experiment with over 12 base metals and 100+ alloys, discovering real and fantastical combinations to craft tools and items that can grow the forge to new heights. From chaos to precision, Alnico Smithery invites us to experience the challenges and rewards of being a true blacksmith. Ready to witness a world where every metal has a story and every forge has a future? Let’s fire up the bellows and get to work!

Check out Alnico Smithery on Steam:


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