To Cry Or Not To Cry, That Is The Question?

6 years ago

I know that it wouldn’t really be fair to say that the kids nowadays don’t have some big problems or important life dilemmas, but that’s not too far from the truth. Most of the kids I know are well taken care of and carefree! But that doesn’t stop them from making a fuss about something from time to time. Just like a little boy in this video. He is so cute and funny that you absolutely have to check this out! This sweet little boy got upset over something, and now he’s protesting by crying, or better said the attempt of crying. Every time his mom puts her fingers on his lips and moves them, he stops crying and makes funny sounds. But, as soon as she stops, he goes back whining! OMG, you have to see this! It looks he just can’t make up his mind what he wants to do - to cry or not to cry, that is his question? LOL!

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