Why Sola Scriptura is Insufficient - Another Conversation with David Watson

3 months ago

Rev. Dr. David Watson, professor at United Theological Seminary, one of the primary voices of Methodism, has accepted and invitation to speak about scriptural interpretation. My fundamentalist tendencies have led me to be largely sympathetic with an approach that depends only upon the scriptures for authority and legitimacy in the church. David, on the other hand, adheres to an approach that acknowledges a limited but larger body of work, which he calls the 'consensual tradition.'

Albert Outler, the founding theologian of The United Methodist Church, established the doctrine of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, which quickly became a means of subverting the plain meaning of scripture. If we acknowledge other sources of authority outside of the bible, then how do we guard against such tendencies? What is at stake? What are the risks on either side of this continuum of trusting scripture too much or trusting tradition too much?

Consider joining David and me for this live stream conversation. We will receive input from anyone who joins us.

Given the state of the Global Methodist Church, in particular, it seems quite important that believers discern how it is that they will discern God's truth together. If the GMC turns into another "big tent" with folks going about truth differently, then it would seem we could have another recipe for division. If you agree that this is an important conversation, then join us!

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