Uprisings Against the Kingdom of Yahuah: The Woe of Rebellion 2 Samual 20

3 months ago

The Covenant of Hearts,Yahusha established the kingdom of Yahuah on earth, not as a political stronghold but as a spiritual dominion rooted in circumcised hearts, hearts transformed by Yahuah's ultimate atonement and those who love Him. With Torah written in our hearts, the Word is indeed near—guiding, correcting, and drawing us closer to His will. As Daud (David) faced rebellions within his own ranks, so too the kingdom faces uprisings even today. Woe to those who sow discord among Yahuah’s people, defying the covenant and disturbing the unity of His kingdom. Just as Sheba’s head was cast over the wall in judgment, Yahuah’s justice will prevail, for no transgression goes unnoticed. Those who remain steadfast to Yahuah’s commandments fulfill Yahusha’s words: "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." This story serves as a powerful foreshadowing for us, a reminder of the cost of rebellion and the strength of Yahuah’s kingdom that endures through every trial, securing the redeemed in His everlasting covenant.

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