THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 77: The Political Trial of Jesus

2 months ago

The Jewish religious leadership continued their incessant accusations, hoping to make something stick with Pontius Pilate. The governor listened to the baseless whining and sent Jesus to Herod Antipas when he learned the God-man was from Galilee.

The Son of God gave him the silent treatment and Herod’s mood changed from curiosity to contempt at the seemingly weak man standing in front of him. Herod returned Jesus to Pilate and the Roman governor questioned the God-man about his kingship, discovered Jesus’ kingdom was spiritual in nature, and was not impressed with the bloody man standing in front of him.

Pilate recognized that Jesus was innocent, but the ungodly Jews tenaciously continued to call for the Son of God’s death. It was Pilate’s duty to see justice served, but he did not want a rebellion and consented to their demands, publicly washing his hands in a futile attempt to diminish his guilt.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1980 -- SEPTEMBER 15, 2024

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