Super Pack The Golden Age

3 months ago

In 2024, we made history, forming a human "SUPER PACK" like the world has never seen.
Inspired by a recent documentary about wolves, I learned that wolves typically travel in packs of 5-10, each led by its own alpha, often rivaling other packs. But in times of great need, these wolves do something extraordinary: they set aside their differences and unite under one alpha, forming a "super pack." The largest recorded? 400 wolves—united and unstoppable.

Watching this, my eyes filled with tears as I realized that this year, we too became a "super pack." 75 million strong—each of us from different "packs" of race, color, religion, gender, and political party—we came together, merging from every background and belief, to reclaim our country and freedom.

Thank you to the voices who stood up and relentlessly echoed the truth. Here's to the golden age we're building together.

Louder with Crowder 4:06
RealCandace 4:14
Judge Joe Brown 4:18
ReactFiles 4:25
Alex Jones 4:27
Tucker Carlson 4:52
Rubin Report 4:54
Mark Dice 4:55
DeVory Darkin 4:56
LFR Family 4:58
UltraTopSecret9 5:00
Russell Brand 5:07
Ben Shapiro 5:10
Jordan Peterson 5:13
Timcast 5:16
Joe Rogan 5:19
Barry Cunningham 5:25
Glenn Beck 5:26
Megyn Kelly 5:27
Officer Tatun 5:29
Benny Johnson 5:30
Charlie Kirk 5:31
Dan Bongino 5:33

#LouderWithCrowder #StevenCrowder #CandaceOwens #RealCandaceO #JudgeJoeBrown #ReactFiles #LVNation #LouValentino #TuckerCarlson #Tucker #MarkDice #RubinReport #DevoryDarkins #LFRFamily #Coach #UltraTopSecret9 #RussellBrand #BenShapiro #JordanPeterson #TimCast #TimPool #JoeRogan #RoganExperience #BarryCunningham #GlennBeck #MegynKelly #OfficerTatum #BennyJohnson #CharlieKirk #DanBongino #Trump2024 #MAGA2024 #TrumpVance #ElonMusk #RFKJr #AmericaFirst #TheGoldenAge #AlexJones

Louder with Crowder 4:06
RealCandace 4:14
Judge Joe Brown 4:18
ReactFiles 4:25
Alex Jones 4:27
Tucker Carlson 4:52
Rubin Report 4:54
Mark Dice 4:55
DeVory Darkin 4:56
LFR Family 4:58
UltraTopSecret9 5:00
Russell Brand 5:07
Ben Shapiro 5:10
Jordan Peterson 5:13
Timcast 5:16
Joe Rogan 5:19
Barry Cunningham 5:25
Glenn Beck 5:26
Megyn Kelly 5:27
Officer Tatun 5:29
Benny Johnson 5:30
Charlie Kirk 5:31
Dan Bongino 5:33

Video clips from Yellowstone, PBS, and Twilight.

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