General Flynn introduce the movie

4 months ago

My case ended up getting dismissed.

What's the greatest national security threat to the United States of America right now? Right now, and it's damn close to that, right now it is the lack of trust between the American people and our government. It's a lack of trust because if we don't trust our government, but that, that is supposed to serve and protect our safety and security, I mean, that's what this is, that's what it's really about.

So for two years, for two years, my name, Michael Flynn or General Michael Flynn or Lieutenant General Flynn, that name was the most googled name on the planet for two years.
And if you googled my name the way that they do misinformation and all these algorithms and stuff like that.
Googled Flynn, Michael Flynn, General Flynn, what they would do is they would bring you to a place that said traitor, committed treason, Putin puppet, you know, all these different things.
That's how they do it. Okay.

The Movie:

General Michael Flynn message to his siblings

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