THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 76: Pontius Pilate Meets Jesus

2 months ago

The Sanhedrin trial was a complete mockery of justice. The vermin posing as righteous men carried out a trial that was rife with so many errors that the conviction should have been overturned. Yet, the showdown in Jerusalem accurately reflected the animosity of the Devil toward Jesus.

The Son of God incarnated was the Godhead’s representative on earth and Lucifer had recruited almost all the Jewish religious leadership. A personal bodyguard of twelve legions of angels was at the God-man’s disposal, but they were powerless to stop the beating inflicted upon the Son of God as they waited in vain for the signal that He wanted to be rescued.

The Sanhedrin wanted to kill the man they despised and hated, but they feared the common people who revered Jesus as a teacher and healer. This is why it was necessary to use the Romans to execute an innocent man. And this is how Jesus came to meet the governor of Judea.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1979 -- SEPTEMBER 8, 2024

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