🇮🇱 vs 🕊️ GREATER ISRAEL - Get used to hearing this term

3 months ago

One must separate the ideas of Israel, the geophysical nation, from spiritual Israel. Yah (God), the Father and Son are ONE, the Creator's Spirit of Love within the Light (Messiah his heart), will greatly protect Israel, the Holy Land, but it will not go unscathed. Using the Promise of the Land, from the Nile to the Euphrates, is the satan (enemy) in disguise and devil in the details. This isn't anti-semitism, it's anti-war and anti-death, much as is anti-abortion views.
The common people only want to be left alone in peace and security. We demand it for ALL children. Wake up from this nightmarish dream of "greater Israel", mister TRUMP! 🇮🇱 vs 🕊️
Leave that part of it to Messiah, when he returns.
Measure the Temple in Heaven, aka New Jerusalem, aka Mt. Zion.
The new great city that descends from the sky shall stretch between those two rivers, not some military flood! BLASPHEMY and HERESY! = ANTI-MESSIAH!!!
Separate "church"/religion from "state"/politics!
The world desires freedom from Rome!
Kippas and skull-caps, Yarmulkes and skull-caps, folks.
AshkeNAZI 101
source: ReeseReport / InfoWars

Angelic Warriors Divine
Ωmega Knigh†s 🗡️𐂅
Christian Soldiers
DAWs vs DEWs

source: ReeseReport / InfoWars

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