THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 72: Gethsemane

2 months ago

The late-night quiet in Gethsemane came to an abrupt end as the motley crew led by Judas arrived to arrest Jesus. The traitor shamelessly greeted the God-man with a kiss to mark him for the soldiers.

The enforcers from the high priest experienced a dose of supernatural power when they sought to confirm whether Jesus was the man they wanted. The God-man’s verbal response was filled with divine power that knocked them backwards to the ground. Peter was carrying a sword and he struck out at Malchus, but the clumsy blow only managed to cut off the man’s ear. Jesus immediately told Peter to sheathe the sword because they were vastly outnumbered.

Seeing Jesus submit caused the apostles to run away in fear. The God-man was alone. This was the opportunity Satan had been seeking and it wasn’t going to be wasted as Jesus was about the face the greatest challenge as God incarnate.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1975 -- AUGUST 11, 2024

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