Tom Bombadil - Middle Earth’s Trickster-God Reimagined

22 hours ago

In this 'spoiler free' #bookreview / #bookrecommendation, I go over primary aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil', which explores the enigmatic character of Tom Bombadil from 'The Lord of the Rings'. I discuss how Bombadil is portrayed as a whimsical, carefree, and timeless representation of primal nature, drawing parallels to trickster gods like Krishna who exhibit a lighthearted demeanor amidst chaos. Tolkien's naturalist and 'green' philosophical leanings are reflected in this portrayal. The unfinished and enigmatic nature of Bombadil's character adds to his mystique and strangeness, leaving readers puzzled about his true nature.

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