Cardinal Omella of Barcelona brings a curse on Spain

2 months ago

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Dear Cardinal Omella,
both last and this year you were one of the leading participants in the suicidal October Synod. Pseudo Pope Bergoglio also included you among his nine closest collaborators, with the aim of gradually destroying the Catholic Church. You pushed for rebellion against God by legalizing LGBTQ in the Church. You thereby brought upon yourself the Church’s most severe punishment latae sententiae and God’s punishment of anathema, i.e., curse and excommunication from the Church for promoting the sodomite anti-gospel. The antipope Bergoglio, along with all of you, his nine accomplices, is also subject to this most severe punishment, i.e., excommunication from the Church.
Immediately after the last year’s Synod, on 1 November 2023, Bergoglio issued his motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam. With this document, he introduced the principle of changing paradigms, that is, destroying the fundamental pillars of the faith on which salvation depends. Then, on 18 December 2023, Bergoglio promulgated the doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans, which not only legalized the outrageous sin of sodomy, but even introduced the blessing of sodomite unions in Catholic churches.
You, Cardinal Omella, by your participation in this crime have set yourself not only against God and the Church, but also against the Spanish nation. You seduced the Spanish bishops into accepting the sodomite anti-gospel Fiducia supplicans under the banner of the Bishops’ Conference (CEE). Again, we remind you and all the bishops, priests and faithful of Spain that you, dear Cardinal, are most to blame for the curse that has fallen on Spain. Following the model of the usurper of the papacy, you have practically transformed the Catholic Church in Spain into a New Age antichurch, the harlot of the antichrist.
It is the height of hypocrisy to keep the believers in darkness with lies and demagoguery, to conceal from them the true and cruel reality of apostasy and rebellion against God, and to pretend that everything is fine. This is meanness bordering on sin against the Holy Spirit. Yet you church impostors demand absolute obedience, masquerading as Christ, though you have brazenly spat in His face. The Catholics of Spain must therefore obey neither you nor the arch-heretic Bergoglio, with whom you are in inner unity. With your lies and manipulations you are dragging millions of souls into the abyss of hell.
None of you repent of this betrayal of Christ. You cynically boycott the most severe punishment of latae sententiae excommunication, which you have brought upon yourselves. You also boycott God’s punishment of anathema for a false, sodomite, anti-gospel according to Gal 1:8-9: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed.” You hide under the name of the Catholic Church, but after the adoption of Fiducia supplicans you have no right to call yourselves Catholics or even Christians. Of course, the administration of the sacraments by you is invalid. However, you continue to deceive the simple faithful, and keep the priests under terror so that they are afraid to tell the truth about the disastrous state the Catholic Church has been pushed into by Bergoglio and you.
You did not follow the example of the bishops of Africa, nor of the bishops of Eastern Europe, who rejected Fiducia supplicans and stood up for Christ and His Gospel against the suicidal current promoted by the usurper of the papacy. By accepting, on the contrary, this sodomite pseudo-gospel on behalf of the Spanish nation, you are destroying the Decalogue and the Creed, the foundations of the Church and of our salvation. By denying sin, you deny the necessity of the Saviour.
Dear Cardinal Omella and dear Bishops of Spain, on 27 October 2024 the October Synod ended. Immediately on 29 October, Spain was struck by disaster. Archbishop Viganò was very clear about this disaster in his message of 3 November 2024. He pointed to its behind-the-scenes, as well as to the guilt of the nation’s political leaders in particular. Unlike Archbishop Viganò, you utter pathetic phrases, but you conceal not only political guilt, but above all your guilt towards God, the Church and the nation.
It is now our duty to show publicly that the main blame for the tragedy in Spain lies with you, the treacherous Church hierarchy which has set itself in rebellion against God, has brought a curse through its anti-gospel, and is responsible for the moral decay and apostasy from the saving faith. Therefore, we call you to repent. You must call a lie a lie and a heresy a heresy, renounce the false anti-gospel and receive the Gospel of Christ, which alone is the sure way of salvation.
If you refuse to repent, you have no right to call yourselves apostles of Christ. You have become apostles of antichrist. Realize that if you die in this state and do not repent even at the hour of death, you will be eternally condemned. You love your ego and career more than the salvation of your soul. You have nothing more to do with Jesus Christ and His way of salvation.
Will at least one of you, bishops of Spain, whether ordinary or auxiliary bishop or bishop emeritus, clearly stand up for Christ and break away from the suicidal path programmed by pseudo Pope Bergoglio and promoted by his accomplice Omella Omella?
Dear Cardinal Omella and members of the Bishops’ Conference of Spain, our Saviour warns you today: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3) Repent, even at the cost of being expelled by the pseudo Pope from his antichurch. In the hour of your death, that expulsion will only be to your credit.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

5 November 2024

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